User: Scott43
Name: | Scott Martin |
Registered on: | 2023-07-25 16:07:41 |
Last Login: |
User Notes:
Owns: 0 Scenarios
Played: 85 (79 unique scenarios: )
Playing Record:
Rating: 1021 Show Calculations
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Worst losing streak: 6 games lost (From 2021-03-27 to 2021-08-30 [156 days])
Date | Calculations | New Rating |
2013-10-14 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1000] expected: 0.55731163376229 vs dmareske (1040) | 986 |
2013-11-11 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 985.83397228039] expected: 0.86056588175588 vs worksp2018 (1302) | 981 |
2013-12-16 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 981.37208049658] expected: 0.86630877179849 vs worksp2018 (1306) | 977 |
2013-12-18 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 977.09396119413] expected: 0.6184564988956 vs dmareske (1061) | 965 |
2013-12-20 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 964.88456915879] expected: 0.87938764859512 vs worksp2018 (1310) | 961 |
2014-01-10 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 961.02497391384] expected: 0.88410462683565 vs worksp2018 (1314) | 957 |
2014-06-18 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 957.31632197258] expected: 0.89469135041373 vs worksp2018 (1329) | 986 |
2014-09-20 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 985.94644518582] expected: 0.84683339411412 vs worksp2018 (1283) | 981 |
2014-09-26 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 981.04511379747] expected: 0.8540809998935 vs worksp2018 (1288) | 1008 |
2014-10-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1008.3757057941] expected: 0.81064740501446 vs worksp2018 (1261) | 1034 |
2014-10-13 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1034.3164227545] expected: 0.59341598636826 vs dmareske (1100) | 1053 |
2014-10-24 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1053.3057343183] expected: 0.73441395289632 vs worksp2018 (1230) | 1045 |
2014-10-31 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1044.806980811] expected: 0.7525219762052 vs worksp2018 (1238) | 1037 |
2014-11-11 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1036.8876840496] expected: 0.76919072822189 vs worksp2018 (1246) | 1030 |
2014-11-23 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1029.5017873527] expected: 0.4012920503402 vs Danno (960) | 1042 |
2014-12-15 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1042.3431329635] expected: 0.55682425861237 vs dmareske (1082) | 1060 |
2014-12-28 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1060.1615092391] expected: 0.49545034804421 vs dmareske (1057) | 1044 |
2015-03-19 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1044.0159203766] expected: 0.74580583471908 vs worksp2018 (1231) | 1068 |
2015-06-29 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1067.8817070876] expected: 0.71186221688378 vs dmareske (1225) | 1091 |
2015-07-25 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1090.6612980278] expected: 0.43324983736248 vs mtrodgers99 (1044) | 1073 |
2015-10-12 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1072.5252928234] expected: 0.70034319475927 vs dmareske (1220) | 1063 |
2015-11-11 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1062.9362750557] expected: 0.71883097701701 vs dmareske (1226) | 1054 |
2015-11-11 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1053.9388663203] expected: 0.34037101259363 vs Danno (939) | 1065 |
2015-11-22 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1064.8307387233] expected: 0.33407730283569 vs Danno (945) | 1076 |
2015-12-30 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1075.521212414] expected: 0.60143910075182 vs nebel (1147) | 1063 |
2016-01-18 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1062.7672636381] expected: 0.72018906529398 vs dmareske (1227) | 1054 |
2016-01-18 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1053.8133137275] expected: 0.74053495978082 vs dmareske (1236) | 1046 |
2016-02-15 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1045.5104324405] expected: 0.68937736435515 vs dmareske (1184) | 1068 |
2016-07-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1067.5705080998] expected: 0.63664901505892 vs nebel (1165) | 1056 |
2016-07-31 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1055.9432765817] expected: 0.41178911666605 vs Danno (994) | 1037 |
2016-10-10 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1037.120528315] expected: 0.61160570142563 vs nebel (1116) | 1025 |
2016-12-30 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1024.6919107607] expected: 0.64838744513817 vs nebel (1131) | 1045 |
2016-12-30 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1045.4403090051] expected: 0.59185410288586 vs nebel (1110) | 1064 |
2017-03-04 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1064.3796402974] expected: 0.53107409890181 vs nebel (1086) | 1081 |
2017-04-01 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1081.3740114623] expected: 0.43507026691587 vs nebel (1036) | 1095 |
2017-08-04 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1095.2962600036] expected: 0.58927080453439 vs worksp2018 (1158) | 1082 |
2017-10-09 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1082.1529257487] expected: 0.43963297342459 vs dmareske (1040) | 1064 |
2017-12-22 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1064.2211808983] expected: 0.50975426716388 vs nebel (1071) | 1081 |
2017-12-29 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1080.5333174475] expected: 0.45331715372334 vs dmareske (1048) | 1063 |
2018-01-13 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1063.0394663667] expected: 0.49994320333301 vs nebel (1063) | 1047 |
2018-02-17 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1047.0376488733] expected: 0.39091579317374 vs Danno (970) | 1060 |
2018-03-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1059.5469542549] expected: 0.50353015794427 vs nebel (1062) | 1044 |
2018-05-19 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1043.6599193091] expected: 0.71094248434662 vs worksp2018 (1200) | 1066 |
2018-06-18 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1066.4100788082] expected: 0.60159244209213 vs dmareske (1138) | 1086 |
2018-06-21 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1085.6610369551] expected: 0.62850050734984 vs worksp2018 (1177) | 1106 |
2018-06-23 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1105.7730531903] expected: 0.508960337421 vs nebel (1112) | 1122 |
2018-07-21 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1122.0597839878] expected: 0.518613861644 vs dmareske (1135) | 1139 |
2018-08-04 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1138.6554275604] expected: 0.4502915766529 vs nebel (1104) | 1121 |
2018-10-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1121.0647580133] expected: 0.51429406655663 vs nebel (1131) | 1106 |
2018-12-08 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1105.5221681431] expected: 0.57354516460495 vs nebel (1157) | 1124 |
2019-01-28 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1123.8756134105] expected: 0.53752532036057 vs worksp2018 (1150) | 1109 |
2019-03-15 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1109.076423662] expected: 0.25300392588025 vs grumblejones (921) | 1117 |
2019-10-06 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1117.1725492902] expected: 0.46240575906401 vs nebel (1091) | 1100 |
2019-10-14 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1099.9695335802] expected: 0.5115547125939 vs nebel (1108) | 1084 |
2019-12-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1084.3392843832] expected: 0.58082604325864 vs worksp2018 (1141) | 1071 |
2019-12-31 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1070.9257177675] expected: 0.56450561461949 vs nebel (1116) | 1089 |
2020-03-01 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1088.9898974353] expected: 0.49425832842605 vs nebel (1085) | 1073 |
2020-07-21 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1072.806163945] expected: 0.49308381524324 vs nebel (1068) | 1089 |
2020-08-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1088.5848460328] expected: 0.47184495591511 vs nebel (1069) | 1072 |
2020-08-09 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1071.683884622] expected: 0.52059089399807 vs nebel (1086) | 1072 |
2020-10-12 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1072.34279323] expected: 0.64884547805164 vs dmareske (1179) | 1093 |
2021-01-18 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1093.1058485276] expected: 0.51135864261288 vs nebel (1101) | 1109 |
2021-02-13 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1109.4693250912] expected: 0.32436744246704 vs Danno (982) | 1120 |
2021-03-10 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1119.8490832502] expected: 0.43157171425033 vs nebel (1072) | 1102 |
2021-03-26 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1101.6593781062] expected: 0.64448324327546 vs worksp2018 (1205) | 1122 |
2021-03-26 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1122.282841891] expected: 0.58789556482249 vs worksp2018 (1184) | 1109 |
2021-03-27 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1109.0954999653] expected: 0.29530099408187 vs Robert7721 (958) | 1119 |
2021-07-02 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1118.545131776] expected: 0.6041626873663 vs worksp2018 (1192) | 1106 |
2021-07-09 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1105.8783377717] expected: 0.6388993390881 vs worksp2018 (1205) | 1094 |
2021-07-23 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1094.3231166225] expected: 0.57241706495513 vs nebel (1145) | 1081 |
2021-07-25 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1080.6404627011] expected: 0.694127512382 vs worksp2018 (1223) | 1071 |
2021-08-30 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1070.8525430973] expected: 0.71776371010966 vs worksp2018 (1233) | 1062 |
2021-09-08 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1061.8209818208] expected: 0.6482180381157 vs nebel (1168) | 1083 |
2022-02-09 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1082.5639590405] expected: 0.43905015496784 vs nebel (1040) | 1065 |
2022-02-20 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1064.6135639995] expected: 0.26567666870836 vs Danno (888) | 1041 |
2022-03-19 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1041.1152173981] expected: 0.83035150195064 vs worksp2018 (1317) | 1068 |
2022-03-19 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1067.6864654606] expected: 0.39414308166025 vs Robert7721 (993) | 1080 |
2022-07-29 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1080.2990440737] expected: 0.60174562710637 vs nebel (1152) | 1068 |
2023-07-29 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1067.5549041411] expected: 0.34866960256671 vs Danno (959) | 1047 |
2023-08-07 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1046.7123314232] expected: 0.5886909931466 vs nebel (1109) | 1034 |
2023-11-10 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1033.5504432039] expected: 0.63400839890625 vs nebel (1129) | 1022 |
2023-12-29 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1021.8387119689] expected: 0.53041593971799 vs Robert7721 (1043) | 1039 |
2024-02-03 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1038.8120220399] expected: 0.71194448935431 vs nebel (1196) | 1030 |
2024-02-17 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1029.5942456992] expected: 0.85005480866828 vs worksp2018 (1331) | 1025 |
2024-07-02 | ** Scott Martin [Rating: 1024.7959995766] expected: 0.86602589165902 vs worksp2018 (1349) | 1021 |
Games logged: 0 Played Won Lost
Games won: 36
Attacking Win: 50.85% (59 attempts)
Defending Win: 76.92% (26 attempts)
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Worst losing streak: 6 games lost (From 2021-03-27 to 2021-08-30 [156 days])
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