ASL Journal # 1

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. January 1999
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The First Annual, produced by MMP. Includes 12 ASL Scenarios, 1 RB CG, and 4 SASL Missions. Series replays, tactical tips and much more.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Hello From MMPThe EditorsReference Material3
Smoke Gets In Your EyesTom HuntingtonRules and Strategy7-10
What To Do If You Have A Tin CanDavid OlieRules and Strategy13-16
Series Replay: Scenario A109 - Scouts OutJ.R. Tracy, Chris Kavanagh, and Michael J. PuccioAfter Action Report21-28, 37-43
Red Barricades Solitaire ASLMMPRules and Strategy
Personal Tens (10s)!: My Favorite ScenariosMark C. NixonAnalysis44-46, 49-50, 63
Welcome To The Jungle: Tactical Tips for Playing the JapaneseRobert WolkeyAnalysis51-56
Run Through The Jungle: A Beginner's Introduction To The PTO Using A Programmed Instruction ApproachMatt ShostakRules and Strategy56-58, 63
Debriefing '98Rules and Strategy61-62


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J01: Urban Guerillas0434 7.51Vienna, AustriaETORussian / PartisanGerman (SS)6.4 hrsBalanced31%
J02: Battlin' Buckeyes013 6.42Tacondo Barrio, Luzon, PhilippinesPTOJapaneseAmerican6.8 hrs75% Japanese1%
J03: A Sunday Stroll010 6.08Caumont, FranceWTOAmericanGerman7.5 hrs71% German1%
J04: Wet Sahwahs013 6.18Baoerena, JavaPTOJapaneseDutch6.2 hrs78% Japanese1%
J05: Bizory Loves Company012 5.88Bizory, BelgiumWTOGerman (SS)American5.3 hrs89% German (SS)1%
J06: St. Barthélemy Bash029 6.40St. Barthélemy, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American5.1 hrs62% German (SS)2%
J07: Slow and Steady08 7.00Hukawng Valley, BurmaCBIChineseJapanese6.2 hrs57% Chinese1%
J08: Block Busting in Bokruisk09 6.20Bokruisk, USSRETORussianGerman8.4 hrs89% Russian1%
J09: A Stiff Fight034 6.91Asun, MalayaCBIJapaneseGurkha3 hrsBalanced2%
J10: Armored Fist09 5.33Trolak, MalayaCBIJapaneseBritish3 hrs75% Japanese1%
J11: In the Old Tradition024 5.22Kampar, MalayaCBIBritish (Indian)Japanese2.8 hrs81% Japanese2%
J12: Jungle Fighters031 6.17Jahore Bahru, MalayaPTOJapaneseBritish / Australian4.6 hrs65% British / Australian2%
RB CG IV: Bled White00 Stalingrad, USSRETOGermanRussianUnknown0%
Mission r2: Breakout027 6.00Stalingrad, USSRETOGerman or RussianGerman or Russian100% German or Russian2%
Mission r1: Assault on the Assembly Hall00 Stalingrad, USSRETOGerman or RussianGerman or RussianUnknown0%
Mission r3: Hold the Factory00 Stalingrad, USSRETOGerman or RussianGerman or RussianUnknown0%
Mission r4: Assault on Red Barricades00 Stalingrad, USSRETOGerman or RussianGerman or RussianUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.75hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.25

Total playing time: 65.3hrs

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