User: John Garlic
Name: | John Garlic |
Registered on: | 2013-10-14 19:51:48 |
Last Login: | 2013-10-18 17:57:55 |
User Notes:
Owns: 0 Scenarios
Played: 97 (97 unique scenarios: )
Playing Record:
Rating: 1158 Show Calculations
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Worst losing streak: 5 games lost (From 2020-09-02 to 2020-11-14 [73 days])
Date | Calculations | New Rating |
1999-06-01 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1000] expected: 0.64535245043938 vs Stewart (1104) | 989 |
2001-02-17 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 988.65127841406] expected: 0.28398430854727 vs jwert02 (828) | 998 |
2006-01-25 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 997.73877628757] expected: 0.51044821974731 vs tommyl (1005) | 1014 |
2015-12-05 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1014.0731193195] expected: 0.43266783381102 vs A15.4er (967) | 1028 |
2016-05-09 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1027.9184900014] expected: 0.3788136820496 vs A15.4er (942) | 1040 |
2016-06-25 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1040.040527827] expected: 0.70692696239744 vs worksp2018 (1193) | 1031 |
2016-07-14 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1030.6621906237] expected: 0.51343495320899 vs ppalma (1040) | 1015 |
2016-11-24 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1015.0921091264] expected: 0.66985176550328 vs ppalma (1138) | 1005 |
2016-12-28 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1004.5273656225] expected: 0.69913122715975 vs ppalma (1151) | 995 |
2017-01-29 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 994.89956489165] expected: 0.69258650065822 vs ppalma (1136) | 1017 |
2017-05-10 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1017.0623329127] expected: 0.6062021698405 vs ppalma (1092) | 1004 |
2017-06-24 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1004.4608023476] expected: 0.73536155907188 vs worksp2018 (1182) | 1028 |
2017-07-31 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1027.9923722379] expected: 0.69856787243678 vs ppalma (1174) | 1018 |
2017-08-16 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1018.3465441559] expected: 0.3823037752101 vs JeremyB (935) | 1031 |
2017-10-02 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1030.5802649626] expected: 0.73522771108364 vs ppalma (1208) | 1022 |
2017-12-12 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1022.1075517173] expected: 0.67364009009714 vs ppalma (1148) | 1044 |
2018-01-11 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1043.6640346004] expected: 0.65104412697776 vs ppalma (1152) | 1032 |
2018-02-22 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1032.4974466637] expected: 0.73419864286079 vs ppalma (1209) | 1024 |
2018-03-11 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1023.9918032352] expected: 0.73811815336977 vs ppalma (1204) | 1048 |
2018-04-25 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1047.6115841431] expected: 0.68554181157329 vs ppalma (1183) | 1038 |
2018-09-18 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1037.5489221134] expected: 0.64594651963724 vs ppalma (1142) | 1026 |
2018-10-29 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1026.2192107418] expected: 0.6772848329223 vs ppalma (1155) | 1048 |
2018-12-24 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1047.8923253953] expected: 0.65205267897596 vs ppalma (1157) | 1037 |
2019-01-19 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1036.7580111225] expected: 0.72824728029866 vs ppalma (1208) | 1028 |
2019-03-03 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1028.0619240921] expected: 0.74575562726156 vs ppalma (1215) | 1020 |
2019-04-17 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1019.9261041645] expected: 0.67765350648578 vs ppalma (1149) | 1042 |
2019-06-05 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1041.611016372] expected: 0.6054479226302 vs ppalma (1116) | 1061 |
2019-07-14 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1060.9853498962] expected: 0.52733699322628 vs ppalma (1080) | 1046 |
2019-08-23 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1045.8601336794] expected: 0.52751665163596 vs ppalma (1065) | 1063 |
2019-09-09 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1062.7406665318] expected: 0.45017012329936 vs ppalma (1028) | 1045 |
2019-10-02 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1045.1461104774] expected: 0.56136084658782 vs ppalma (1088) | 1031 |
2019-11-08 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1031.1096575682] expected: 0.31729286081145 vs Danno (898) | 1041 |
2019-12-13 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1041.2630291141] expected: 0.49530426168913 vs ppalma (1038) | 1057 |
2020-01-05 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1057.1127654882] expected: 0.53002298569114 vs ppalma (1078) | 1042 |
2020-02-03 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1042.0735010303] expected: 0.60205672795981 vs ppalma (1114) | 1061 |
2020-03-01 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1061.339316325] expected: 0.49231671098131 vs ppalma (1056) | 1045 |
2020-03-23 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1045.0934510764] expected: 0.60064921552159 vs ppalma (1116) | 1064 |
2020-04-14 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1064.3142259731] expected: 0.58645640504648 vs ppalma (1125) | 1083 |
2020-05-10 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1083.0808309346] expected: 0.57838329019629 vs ppalma (1138) | 1070 |
2020-06-10 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1069.5890962209] expected: 0.65765143456759 vs ppalma (1183) | 1059 |
2020-07-04 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1058.633942127] expected: 0.22722989084389 vs A15.4er (846) | 1066 |
2020-09-02 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1065.905298634] expected: 0.52027278571031 vs ppalma (1080) | 1083 |
2020-10-10 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1082.5540277768] expected: 0.46329096848309 vs RJenulis (1057) | 1065 |
2020-10-11 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1065.3793387682] expected: 0.55961206293085 vs ppalma (1107) | 1051 |
2020-10-18 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1051.286924782] expected: 0.50678224444884 vs jwert02 (1056) | 1036 |
2020-11-02 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1035.5039566044] expected: 0.68938534684913 vs Stewart (1174) | 1026 |
2020-11-14 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1025.5642877035] expected: 0.61781743039269 vs ppalma (1109) | 1013 |
2020-11-24 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1013.3344454761] expected: 0.72759009631118 vs scottf2 (1184) | 1037 |
2020-11-25 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1036.6173285581] expected: 0.57763000080584 vs Eaglewso (1091) | 1055 |
2020-12-12 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1055.1014885839] expected: 0.46823623510017 vs mtrodgers99 (1033) | 1038 |
2021-01-14 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1038.0850481071] expected: 0.56710865907131 vs jwert02 (1085) | 1024 |
2021-01-20 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1024.2325251973] expected: 0.61418423057696 vs ppalma (1105) | 1044 |
2021-02-19 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1043.8864205758] expected: 0.61465623144829 vs ppalma (1125) | 1032 |
2021-03-22 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1031.5554199822] expected: 0.71577368815921 vs ppalma (1192) | 1022 |
2021-03-25 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1022.4601780032] expected: 0.5651643150959 vs nebel (1068) | 1009 |
2021-04-02 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1008.5454360863] expected: 0.77258873998526 vs worksp2018 (1221) | 1033 |
2021-04-28 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1033.2682757658] expected: 0.73333180991187 vs ppalma (1209) | 1025 |
2021-05-03 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1024.734893683] expected: 0.5534240888866 vs gproudfoot (1062) | 1010 |
2021-05-08 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1010.4444645274] expected: 0.51087157587462 vs RJenulis (1018) | 1027 |
2021-05-11 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1026.7923549554] expected: 0.2826505721297 vs macrobosanta (865) | 1036 |
2021-05-21 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1035.8371732635] expected: 0.427357113328 vs aiabx (985) | 1050 |
2021-05-22 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1049.51260089] expected: 0.27030762914762 vs wwillow (877) | 1058 |
2021-06-13 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1058.1624450228] expected: 0.77699111545911 vs ppalma (1275) | 1051 |
2021-06-19 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1051.0261607174] expected: 0.61036660873506 vs dmareske (1129) | 1071 |
2021-06-20 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1070.557892197] expected: 0.53654883012293 vs nebel (1096) | 1056 |
2021-08-10 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1055.7274547609] expected: 0.82408908123215 vs ppalma (1324) | 1050 |
2021-08-11 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1050.0983053603] expected: 0.48978613850862 vs jwert02 (1043) | 1066 |
2021-09-26 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1065.7714617926] expected: 0.48737953298186 vs jwert02 (1057) | 1049 |
2021-10-24 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1049.367606848] expected: 0.42661003719643 vs Alan Krause (998) | 1031 |
2021-10-30 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1031.0191280383] expected: 0.8467791175003 vs ppalma (1328) | 1026 |
2021-11-08 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1026.1160597983] expected: 0.26065097553066 vs A15.4er (845) | 1034 |
2021-11-18 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1034.4568910153] expected: 0.48927031866905 vs jwert02 (1027) | 1018 |
2021-11-28 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1018.1135412127] expected: 0.8651434682466 vs ppalma (1341) | 1014 |
2022-01-23 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1013.7981321966] expected: 0.58857139580485 vs atomic (1076) | 1033 |
2022-01-23 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1032.6324168624] expected: 0.5264084791319 vs jwert02 (1051) | 1049 |
2022-02-13 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1049.4774881946] expected: 0.23351300393635 vs wwillow (843) | 1025 |
2022-03-17 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1024.9499043205] expected: 0.64409996202057 vs Larry (1128) | 1046 |
2022-03-20 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1045.5611031052] expected: 0.54226487963069 vs jwert02 (1075) | 1063 |
2022-06-16 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1062.9135792534] expected: 0.27098830445807 vs Danno (891) | 1072 |
2022-06-16 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1071.585204996] expected: 0.25136600018699 vs Danno (882) | 1080 |
2022-06-17 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1079.628917002] expected: 0.22122718391979 vs Danno (861) | 1087 |
2022-06-18 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1086.7081868875] expected: 0.76110165818276 vs worksp2018 (1288) | 1111 |
2022-10-02 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1111.0634399493] expected: 0.20724361104322 vs wwillow (878) | 1118 |
2022-10-25 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1117.6952355027] expected: 0.19464717235813 vs A15.4er (871) | 1092 |
2022-11-12 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1091.9239450182] expected: 0.2575481484829 vs wwillow (908) | 1068 |
2022-12-27 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1068.1654857696] expected: 0.29521716428698 vs A15.4er (917) | 1078 |
2023-03-15 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1077.6124350268] expected: 0.48617012252461 vs Larry (1068) | 1061 |
2023-04-01 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1061.1698789476] expected: 0.69835266528123 vs dmareske (1207) | 1084 |
2023-07-06 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1083.5171642366] expected: 0.31554036857553 vs A15.4er (949) | 1094 |
2023-10-05 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1093.614456031] expected: 0.44039674015511 vs mtrodgers99 (1052) | 1108 |
2023-10-06 | ** John GARLIC [Rating: 1107.707151716] expected: 0.3380893495324 vs GOUREAU (991) | 1119 |
2024-01-22 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1118.526010901] expected: 0.46046955958932 vs Stewart (1091) | 1133 |
2024-03-15 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1133.2610368079] expected: 0.47374442809305 vs Larry (1115) | 1148 |
2024-06-04 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1148.4208585068] expected: 0.19130724091981 vs A15.4er (898) | 1155 |
2024-06-14 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1154.5426902163] expected: 0.21835094727356 vs Danno (933) | 1162 |
2024-08-08 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1161.529920529] expected: 0.36321726218328 vs EJ1 (1064) | 1141 |
2024-11-15 | ** John Garlic [Rating: 1141.1528729189] expected: 0.53426498273521 vs nebel (1165) | 1158 |
Games logged: 0 Played Won Lost
Games won: 50
Attacking Win: 53.19% (47 attempts)
Defending Win: 50% (50 attempts)
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Worst losing streak: 5 games lost (From 2020-09-02 to 2020-11-14 [73 days])
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