Paddington Bears '97 Pack

Published by: Critical Hit. March 1997
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A fresh batch of 8 hand-crafted scenarios packed by the Paddington Bears Club of Sydney, Australia. PBP scenarios are guaranteed not to be tested on animals and are 99.9% fat free.

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PBP 11: A Civil War, Not a Gentleman's War01 7.00Villanueva de la Canada, SpainSCWRepublican SpanishNationalist Spanish3.9 hrsUnknown0%
PBP 12: Soft Noodle018 4.40Lotien, ChinaCBIJapaneseChinese6.9 hrs57% Chinese7%
PBP 13: Marked For Death011 6.27Near Romilly-sur-Seine, FranceETOGermanFrench3.6 hrs56% French5%
PBP 14: Under Siege08 6.50Cholm, USSRETORussianGerman4 hrs63% German3%
PBP 15: The Road to Mandalay02 5.00Shwedaung, BurmaCBICommonwealthBurmese4.8 hrsBalanced1%
PBP 16: Bloody Ridge011 5.00Edson's Ridge, Guadalcanal, the Marianas PTOJapaneseAmerican (USMC)4.3 hrs63% Japanese5%
PBP 17: Easy Meat01 Ousseltia, TunisiaDTOAmericanGerman4.3 hrs100% American0%
PBP 18: Pandemonium02 5.00Donbaik, BurmaCBIBritishJapanese2.6 hrs90% Japanese1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.15hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.6

Total playing time: 34.4hrs

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