Published by: ASL Union of Gamers. October 1993
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20 pages and 4 scenarios. Contents include designers notes, an article on prisoners, an editorial on various topics by Mark Nixon, a scenario analysis, an article on “tournament do’s and don’ts,” a Series Replay, tournament news, and tactical tips.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

PrisonersScott HolstRules and Strategy3
Close CombatGlen GrayRules and Strategy9


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ASLUG13: Ramsey's Charge00 Morong, The PhilippinesPTOAmericanJapanese3.7 hrsUnknown0%
ASLUG14: Morgan's Stand05 5.50Bar-Le-Duc, FranceWTOGermanAmerican5.5 hrs60% German3%
ASLUG15: Mount Pissoderi011 6.25Mount Pissoderi, AlbaniaMTOGreekItalian4.3 hrs58% Italian6%
ASLUG16: Bunshin Gogeki014 5.00The Halba and Holsten Rivers, ManchukuoCBIJapaneseRussian11.5 hrs71% Russian8%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.9hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.58

Total playing time: 25hrs

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