ASL News # 29

Published by: ASL News. March 1995
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Articles and Resources:

The Cannon of the RedAndy DaglishReference Material14
With Shovels and Picks: Or a Less Glorious Way to (Sometimes) Win a War: Part 5Claude ScrefRules and Strategy21


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NEWS56: Tumult from the Clouds01 8.00Sola-Stavanger, Norway ETOGermanNorwegian2.1 hrs100% German4%
NEWS57: Red Dragon02 4.50Pinghsing Pass, Great Wall, China CBIRed ChineseJapanese7.1 hrs100% Japanese8%
NEWS58: Nemesis04 Brede Village, East Sussex, EnglandNew ZealandGerman1.1 hrsBalanced17%
NEWS59: Misty Morning00 Stoumont, BelgiumWTOGerman (SS)American12.1 hrs67% American0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.6hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.25

Total playing time: 22.4hrs

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