DASL 1 - Streets of Fire

Published by: Avalon Hill. January 1985
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This is the first module of Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader. Not a new game, the major difference between ASL and DASL is the hex size on the maps. The hexes are 2.2" across, big enough to use 1/285th scale miniatures or to spread counters out in a more convenient manner. This module contains scenarios depicting street fighting on the Eastern Front.

The scenarios can be downloaded from the Multi-Man Publishing site


•Advanced Squad Leader
•Beyond Valor: ASL Module

Map board(s):

Board: a-dx, b-dx, c-dx, d-dx

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D01: Guryev's Headquarters095 6.98Stalingrad, USSRETOGermanRussian5.2 hrsBalanced14%
D02: Berserk!029 6.18Red Barricade, Stalingrad, USSRETOGermanRussian5.8 hrs76% Russian4%
D03: Storming the Factory073 6.50Daroga Square, Rostov, USSRETOGerman (SS)Russian11.1 hrs63% German (SS)11%
D04: First to Strike0105 6.31Stalingrad, USSRETOGermanRussian10.6 hrsBalanced15%
D05: Little Stalingrad056 5.57Party HQ, Novaya Buda, USSRETORussianGerman (SS)14.2 hrsBalanced8%
D06: Draconian Measures067 8.40Kharkov, USSRETOGermanRussian11.1 hrs60% German10%
D07: With Flame and Shell076 7.00Cherkasskoye, USSRETOGermanRussian15.5 hrs60% German11%
D08: The Schoolhouse065 4.80Ponyri, RussiaETOGermanRussian21.2 hrs69% Russian9%
D09: Preparing the Way074 7.44Ostroviec, PolandETOGermanRussian16.6 hrs57% Russian11%
D10: The Final Battle048 6.33Moltke Bridge, Berlin, Germany ETORussianGerman (SS)18.3 hrs76% German (SS)7%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 12.65hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.55

Total playing time: 129.6hrs

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