Rally Point #21

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 2024
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Volksgrenadiers 1944-1945
This is a unique volume of Rally Point in that it consists of 10 new Volkgrenadier scenarios and is intended as companion product to Schwerpunkt Volume #24 which features Mike Augustine’s Volksgrenadiers: Innovation and Desperation along with four more Volksgrenadier scenarios. It is therefore recommended that to get the most out of the Tampa ASL Group’s efforts regarding ASL’s new Volksgrenadier units, these two volumes should be enjoyed together.

This volume’s 10 scenarios are printed on collector-grade, coated cardstock. Along with the scenarios, each designer has provided comments and concise player tips. The scenarios are the Tampa ASL Group’s traditional tournament to medium-sized actions. There's something in this pack for players of all experience levels!

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RPT201: Courland Cutoff05 6.60Papile, LithuaniaETORussianGerman6.7 hrsBalanced7%
RPT202: Split By The Rail03 6.33Süggerath, GermanyETOAmerican/BritishGerman5.4 hrs100% American/British4%
RPT203: Ozarks' Tanksgiving09 6.25Beeck, GermanyETOAmerican/BritishGerman/German (SS)6 hrs63% American/British13%
RPT204: King and Love012 6.60Grosshau, GermanyETOAmericanGerman5.3 hrs64% German18%
RPT205: Death of the Porcupine07 7.00Illhaeusern, FranceETOFree FrenchGerman3.1 hrs83% German10%
RPT206: Muscled Out of Town03 5.67Grussenheim, FranceETOFree FrenchGerman5.7 hrs60% Free French4%
RPT207: The Last Knight07 6.43Blessum, GermanyWTOAmericanGerman3.2 hrsBalanced10%
RPT208: The Erft Effort02 6.00Lommersum, GermanyETOGermanAmerican7.6 hrs67% German3%
RPT209: Alles Hat Ein Ende04 5.00Preussisch Stargard, West Prussia, GermanyETORussianGerman5.2 hrs67% Russian6%
RPT210: Fused At Zero02 5.50Otterlo, The NetherlandsETOGermanCanadian3.9 hrsBalanced3%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.35hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.14

Total playing time: 52.1hrs

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