Special Ops #11

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. July 2023
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Special Ops #11 has six articles, two ASL scenarios (O21, O22) and two ASLSK scenarios (S100, S101), The magazine also features the game Gettysburg.
Featured in-depth articles covering The Third Winter and Strike - Counter Strike. There are also an article on the upcoming Valley of Tears, a new scenario for The Third Winter, Curt Schilling's advice for being a better ASL player, and more.
Gettysburg is a quick playing game based on the Napoleonic 20 series of games. It includes a 22" x34" map, 40 1" counters, and 72 5/8" counters.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Soviet Play Tips in The Third WinterChip SaltsmanRules and Strategy3-11
Panzer "Die Verteidigung"Antony BirkettRules and Strategy12-14
Touring Valley of the TearsCarl FungReference Material15-18
So You Want to Win it All?Curt SchillingAnalysis23-29
Counter StrikeLee ForesterAnalysis30-37
A Brief Introduction to GCACWChris WithersAfter Action Report38-39
GettysburgScott MuldoonRules and StrategyGty 1- Gty 8
Warriors of EnglandAnnouncementReference Material40


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O21: Beyond Their Capabilities03 7.00Filianivka, RussiaETOGerman/HungarianRussian4.3 hrs60% German/Hungarian10%
O22: Stonewalling the Führer011 7.91Heiderscheid, LuxembourgWTOGermanAmerican3.1 hrs67% American35%
S100: Iron Grave02 7.00Manihen, FranceWTOGermanBritish4.5 hrsBalanced6%
S101: No More Luck00 Baruth, GermanyETOGermanRussian4.5 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.4hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 7.3

Total playing time: 16.4hrs

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