Critical Hit #3 2022 Reprint

Published by: Critical Hit. August 2022
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Straight reprint of CH #3
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CH 26: Close Order Driel083 9.00Driel, HollandWTOGerman (SS)Allies (Poles and British)3.9 hrsBalanced18%
CH 27: Fix Bayonets!09 Shaduzup, BurmaCBIAllies (US and British)Japanese6.8 hrs78% Allies (US and British)2%
CH 28: Children of the Kunai055 Gemas, MalayaPTOAustralianJapanese3.3 hrs56% Japanese12%
CH 29: Gift Wrapped00 St. Denis-Le-Gast, FranceWTOAmericanGerman (SS)5.6 hrs80% German (SS)0%
CH 30: Kravchenko's 6th Guards Tank Army00 Mukden, ManchuriaCBIRussianJapanese7.4 hrsBalanced0%
CH 31: First and Goal025 Cassino, ItalyMTOAmericanGerman3.7 hrs80% American5%
CH 32: The Kibbutz00 Kibbutz NitzanimMTOEgyptianIsraeli4.7 hrs67% Egyptian0%
CH 33: At The Point00 Mzensk, RussiaETOGermanRussian5.3 hrsBalanced0%
CH 34: The Lighthouse063 Suluan Island, The PhilippinesPTOAmericanJapanese1.6 hrs56% Japanese14%
CH 35: Obong-Ni00 Obong-Ni Ridge, South KoreaKWNorth KoreanAmerican (USMC)5.8 hrs67% American (USMC)0%
CH 36: Saving The Breakout05 L'Abbaye Blanche, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American7.2 hrs80% German (SS)1%
CH 37: Forgotten Years011 On the road to Addis Ababa, EthiopiaE AFRItalianEthiopian4.4 hrs64% Italian2%
CH 38: Orange Beach 3012 PeleiuPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese12.3 hrs83% Japanese3%
CH 39: Bedja Blockade00 Bedja Pass, TunisiaDTOItalianFree French6 hrsUnknown0%
CH 40: Nordic Twilight00 Haukila Farm, FinlandETOFinnishRussian3 hrs56% Russian0%
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers01 5.00Connage, FranceETOFrenchGerman5 hrs100% French0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.15hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 7

Total playing time: 86hrs

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