Dispatches from the Bunker #50

Published by: The Bunker. October 2020
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50th Issue!
Hard to believe but after 23 years of serving the greater ASL Community we have made it to Issue #50! In this new PDF issue we have four scenarios for your ASL enjoyment. Carl Nogueira takes a break from his Tactical Tips to 'Decode Dinant' and Scott Rezak continues Line Chatter. We have a review of the Tussle in the Tundra tourney and a preview of the Albany and Nor'easter tournaments, along with our usual features.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Line ChatterTodd RezackRules and Strategy5
Decoding Dinant or, how to be drafted into a design teamCarl NogueiraAnalysis10-19
Dispatch #50 Scenarios-SummariesVic ProvostReviewBackpage


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DB155: Fury On The Logging Trail04 6.00Along the Logging Trail near Hill 700, BougainvillePTOJapaneseAmerican4.7 hrsBalanced3%
DB156: To The Neman041 4.56suf9h5ETORussianGerman3.5 hrs58% German32%
DB157: Morning Massacre015 7.21Corbiel, FranceWTOGermanAmerican5.9 hrsBalanced12%
DB158: A Stalinesque Christmas06 6.50Northern District Krasny Oktyabr, StalingradETORussianGerman3.5 hrsBalanced5%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.07

Total playing time: 17.6hrs

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