ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. January 2020
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CROIX DE GUERRE brings the French order of battle back into print and adds DINANT: ROMMEL AT THE MEUSE, the brand new Historical ASL campaign on the crossing of the Meuse in May 1940. In addition to the original eight CdG scenarios and the ten new DINANT scenarios, CROIX DE GUERRE includes 22 more out-of-print French scenarios updated for balance and clarity plus a bonus 1944 scenario on the Dinant map. Also included are mapboards 42 and 43 and a revised National Capabilities Chart. CROIX DE GUERRE not only provides the standard French blue counters for use in 1939-40, but also provides for the first time unique infantry counters for the Vichy French regime’s overseas colonies (two-tone French-blue-in-German-blue) and for the Free French (standard French blue with a Cross of Lorraine). That means all the personnel, weapons, and uniquely French vehicle counters used by French forces throughout World War II, as well as the detailed Chapter H historical notes to accompany the counters and revised Chapter A rules to reflect the new French infantry counters.

DINANT: ROMMEL AT THE MEUSE takes players through the rapid movement of Erwin Rommel’s Panzer-Division 7 across the Meuse and through the “impenetrable” Bois d’Ardennes and shows the fighting at the southernmost portion of the river crossing at the town of Dinant during 11-14 May, 1940. Facing the Germans were the exhausted men of the 18th Infantry Division, who had marched almost 50 miles in the preceding three days. High Command had stripped from them all their 60mm mortars, almost half of their motorized transport, and many of their 25mm anti-tank guns, giving those to units “more likely to face action.”

DINANT: ROMMEL AT THE MEUSE features two historical 22˝×34˝ map sections with several new terrain types—Road Tunnels, Railroad Embankment Underpasses, 15th Century Fortresses, Weirs, and Retaining Walls. The 10 scenarios showcase fighting at and around the area of the crossing. Players will navigate through a maze of narrow streets alongside the Meuse River at the bottom of 90´ high cliffs and then climb to the plateau above. The Campaign Game will also see the German player building pontoon bridges and assembling ferries for men, tanks, and equipment to cross the river, all while under fire.

CROIX DE GUERRE is therefore much more than a mere reprint of its predecessor and showcases the French army as never before. Vive la France!
Box Cover for Croix de Guerre, 2nd Edition

Map board(s):

Board: 42, 43, DN

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75: Strangers in a Strange Land0287 7.47Elvegårdsmoen, NorwayETOFrenchGerman4.5 hrs58% German10%
76: End of the Ninth0110 6.25Le Catelet, FranceETOGermanFrench7.7 hrs100% French4%
77: Le Hérisson013 6.40Hangest, FranceETOGermanFrench4.9 hrs59% French0%
78: Encounter at Cornimont05 6.40Cornimont, FranceETOGermanFrench8.4 hrs60% French0%
79: Bridge of the Seven Planets0105 8.50Les Sept-Planètes, FranceETOGermanFrench8.8 hrs67% German4%
80: Play Ball080 5.00Mehdia, MoroccoMTOVichy FrenchAmerican10.6 hrsBalanced3%
81: Fratricidal Fighting044 6.40Damascus, SyriaMTOFree French / BritishVichy8.9 hrs100% Vichy1%
82: For Honor Alone0116 Saumur, FranceETOGermanFrench12.8 hrsUnknown4%
231: In Front of the Storm0297 7.33Aessan, France ETOFrenchGerman4 hrs60% German10%
232: Chance d'une Affaire011 6.21Chéhéry, FranceETOFrenchGerman7.2 hrsBalanced0%
233: Failure to Communicate048 6.63Onhaye, BelgiumETOGermanFrench6.1 hrs62% French2%
234: Counterstroke at Stonne0105 7.21Stonne, FranceETOFrenchGerman18.9 hrsBalanced4%
235: Last Defense Line073 5.56Bouvellemont, FranceETOGermanFrench5 hrs60% French2%
236: In Rommel's Wake038 5.33On the Meuse, FranceETOGermanFrench4 hrs60% French1%
237: Sudden Death098 5.50Orneset Beachhead, NorwayETOFrenchGerman2.5 hrsBalanced3%
238: Audacity!0187 6.47Ankenes, Norway ETOFrenchGerman4.2 hrs56% German6%
239: Fighting at World's Edge043 7.33Taraldsvikfjell, NorwayETONorwegian / FrenchGerman6.4 hrsBalanced1%
240: The Last Roadblock0112 6.42Near Orneset, NorwayETOGermanAllied (French / Norwegian)5.2 hrs62% Allied (French / Norwegian)4%
241: Triumph atop Taraldsvikfjell015 6.91Taraldsvikfjell, NorwayETONorwegian / FrenchGerman4.9 hrs56% German1%
242: Swan Song060 5.77Villers-sur-Mareuil, FranceETOFrenchGerman20.7 hrsBalanced2%
243: The French Perimeter048 6.25Spyckar, FranceETOGermanFrench10.5 hrsBalanced2%
244: Chateau de Quesnoy066 7.50Near Condé-Folie, FranceETOGermanFrench28.9 hrs67% French2%
245: The Time of Humiliations049 6.56Mai Pha, French IndochinaINDOJapaneseVichy8.1 hrs73% Japanese2%
246: The Army at the Edge of the World081 6.14Na Cham Border Post, French IndochinaINDOJapaneseVichy5.2 hrsBalanced3%
247: Just an Illusion053 7.00Phum Preav, French IndochinaCBIThaiVichy8 hrs67% Thai2%
248: Siam Sambal0100 7.06Yang Dang Khum, CambodiaINDOVichy FrenchSiamese8.6 hrs67% Vichy French3%
249: Showdown in Syria056 6.91Mezzeh, SyriaMTOVichyIndian5.1 hrsBalanced2%
250: The French Decide to Fight039 6.40Port-Lyautey, MoroccoDTOAmericanVichy French11.2 hrs56% American1%
251: First Day of Diadem074 7.22Near Castelforte, ItalyMTOGermanFree French4.8 hrs67% Free French2%
252: Ultimate Treachery014 5.67Brière de I'Isle Barracks, Hanoi Citadel, French IndochinaINDOJapaneseFrench3.4 hrsBalanced0%
DN01: Prelude: Chabrehez035 6.67Chabrehez, BelgiumETOGermanBelgian5.8 hrsBalanced1%
DN02: Chasseurs at Yvoir09 5.83Yvoir, BelgiumETOGermanBelgian / French9.5 hrs58% Belgian / French0%
DN03: Rommel at the Meuse03 5.60Dinant, BelgiumETOGermanFrench42.3 hrs67% German0%
DN04: Chateau de Meez025 6.67Chateau de Meez, BelgiumETOGermanFrench5.2 hrs70% German1%
DN05: Grande Ferme de Meez03 6.67Ferme de Meez, BelgiumETOGermanFrench16.3 hrs60% French0%
DN06: Clearing the Heights018 5.63Dinant, BelgiumETOGermanFrench6.9 hrs67% French1%
DN07: Saint-Médard After Dark012 6.00Saint-Medard, BelgiumETOGermanFrench5.1 hrs75% German0%
DN08: Probing the Bridgehead06 6.40Dinant, BelgiumETOFrenchGerman23.6 hrs100% German0%
DN09: The Road to Onhaye04 5.00Dinant, BelgiumETOGermanFrench18.9 hrsBalanced0%
DN10: Finale: Onhaye04 6.33Onhaye, BelgiumETOGermanFrench24 hrs79% French0%
DN11: The Almost Men02 4.00Dinant, BelgiumWTOGerman (SS)American / British15.3 hrs100% German (SS)0%
DN CGI: Fateful Miscalculations00 Dinant, BelgiumETOGermanFrench1 hrs60% French0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 7.45hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.37

Total playing time: 423.4hrs

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