From The Cellar Pack # 9

Published by: Le Franc Tireur. April 2019
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A selection of 10 scenarios from “Vae Victis,” as well as 7 other original designs.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Living or Dying By Twos and SevensJean Devaux and Xavier VitryAnalysis3-7
A Ukrainian PoemTim HundsdorferReference Material8-10


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FT257: Too Little, Too Soon07 5.60Gafsa, TunisiaDTOFrenchGerman3.5 hrs57% French3%
FT258: Panzerschlacht!05 6.33Near Burbulatovo, RussiaETOGermanRussian6.5 hrs60% German2%
FT259: Alcazar!014 7.38Wisnicz, PolandETOGermanPolish6.3 hrs60% Polish6%
FT260: Inainte!017 7.22Filiberta, RussiaETORomanianRussian3.1 hrs57% Russian7%
FT261: The Battle of Algiers034 6.53Algiers, AlgeriaDTOVichy FrenchAmerican2.7 hrs58% American14%
FT262: 20 Years Later030 6.25Berensdorf, GermanyETOFrenchGerman1.7 hrsBalanced12%
FT263: Summer Duty06 6.67Near Kalinovka, RussiaETOGermanRussian7.2 hrs80% German2%
FT264: Hands Off The Loot!012 6.29Near Paulhac, FranceETOGermanPartisan4 hrs91% German5%
FT265: Balkan-Kessel010 7.00Bolec, SerbiaMTOPartisan / RussianGerman8.5 hrs67% Partisan / Russian4%
FT266: A Fine Mess...050 6.95Near Pommereuil, FranceETOFrenchGerman4.4 hrs57% German20%
FT267: Thugny-Trugny09 7.00Thugny-Trugny, FranceETOGermanFrench9.9 hrs78% German4%
FT268: Spain's Crusaders09 7.30Sitno, RussiaETOSpanish BlueRussian3.2 hrsBalanced4%
FT269: End of the Rope...016 6.00Near Stanley Mound, Hong Kong CBIBritishJapanese2.3 hrs87% Japanese7%
FT270: Revenges at Saint-Julien014 5.17Saint-Julien, FranceWTOGermanPartisan (Maquis)3.4 hrs69% Partisan (Maquis)6%
FT271: The Lock of Colmar035 7.45Kaysersberg, FranceWTOAmerican / Free FrenchGerman4.5 hrs61% German14%
FT272: Rise of the Viet Minh07 6.20Dong Mu, IndochinaCBIFrenchViet Minh4.8 hrs67% Viet Minh3%
FT273: Former Foes020 7.38Xuân Lôc, northeast of Saigon, IndochinaCBIBritish / JapaneseViet Minh4.1 hrsBalanced8%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.63

Total playing time: 80.1hrs

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