HASL 10b - Red October

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. January 2019
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RED FACTORIES includes Red Barricades reissue + Red October scenarios and new maps. This follow-on HASL adds two new maps, expanding the playing area covered in Red Barricades to include the “Krasny Oktyabr” (or Red October) factory complex. RED OCTOBER features three CGs and seven scenarios.

Map board(s):

Board: RO

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RO01: Blood on the Tracks048 6.86Red October FactoryETOGermanRussian9 hrs87% Russian16%
RO02: Second Step033 6.75Red October FactoryETOGermanRussian7.5 hrsBalanced11%
RO03: Defenders of Stalingrad057 5.85Red October FactoryETORussianGerman5 hrs70% Russian19%
RO04: The Martinofen013 5.31Red October Factory, StalingradETOGermanRussian6.9 hrs62% German4%
RO05: Men of Steel08 5.50Red October FactoryETOGermanRussian105.5 hrs57% German3%
RO06: The Playing Field070 6.55Red October FactoryETORussianGerman4.6 hrsBalanced23%
RO07: Stone Age Caves010 6.08Red October FactoryETORussianGerman4.9 hrsBalanced3%
RF CG I: Red Factories01 5.00The Barrikady and Red October FactoryETOGemanRussian1 hrs75% Russian0%
RO CG I: X-Tag03 7.00Red October FactoryETOGermanRussian1 hrs82% Russian1%
RO CG II: Oktyabr's Hubertus02 4.50Red October FactoryETOGermanRussian0.5 hrs100% German1%
RO CG III: A Party in our Streets01 5.00Red October FactoryETORussianGerman100% German0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.95hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.85

Total playing time: 145.9hrs

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