Friendly Fire Pack 11

Published by: Friendly Fire. September 2017
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FrF85: Junkers Junkyard017 6.86Ypenburg Airfield, NetherlandsETODutchGerman3.9 hrs61% German4%
FrF86: Belgian Tigers0111 7.37Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium ETOGermanBelgian4.3 hrsBalanced28%
FrF87: Mormal Forest098 6.74Northwest of Locquignol, FranceETOGermanFrench6 hrs61% French24%
FrF88: Panzer Shield07 7.00Ryschkowka, BelarusETORussianGerman5.5 hrsBalanced2%
FrF89: Red Tears Shed on Gray020 6.96Karpova, UkraineETORomanianRussian5.9 hrsBalanced5%
FrF90: Speed is the Essence of War08 5.44Slim River, MalayaPTOJapaneseBritish4.8 hrsBalanced2%
FrF91: Moonlight Drive00 North of Yigo, GuamPTOJapaneseAmerican4.9 hrs75% American0%
FrF92: Arms Race01 6.67Lonneker Bridge, Twente Canal, the Netherlands WTOBritishGerman5.3 hrs64% British0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.72

Total playing time: 40.6hrs

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