Westerplatte: Case White 1939

Published by: Critical Hit. January 2015
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This publication has been rated: 4/10 by 1 users. Write a review
Uncritically Served: Westerplatte
Jobbo Fett: 4.0 out of 10. [Review score: 0] [Agree] [Disagree]

When I had initially seen this campaign game, I was intrigued by the setting and what Critical Hit's design team (person?) would come up with for this. The nature of the combat, historically speaking, favored the defenders, who found themselves inhabiting blockhouses and defensive positions on a tiny peninsula. The Germans, for their part, were bumbling into a defensive line they thought would b... Read full review...


WCW01: Feuer Frei!02 7.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish6 hrs100% Polish11%
WCW02: Saving Outpost Prom01 7.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish4 hrsBalanced6%
WCW03: Main Line of Defence01 7.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGerman (SS)Polish0.5 hrsBalanced6%
WCW04: On the Waterfront01 5.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish1.2 hrs100% Polish6%
WCW05: Stuka Wave - The Second Day01 6.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish0.5 hrsBalanced6%
WCW06: Hell's Bells - The Third Day01 6.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish0.5 hrs100% German6%
WCW07: Trial by Shellfire - The Fourth Day02 6.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish0.5 hrs100% German11%
WCW08: The Stand Continues - The Fifth Day02 6.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish0.8 hrsBalanced11%
WCW09: Off the Rails - The Sixth Day00 Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish1 hrs100% German0%
WCW10: Thundering Away - The Final Day00 Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish0.5 hrs100% Polish0%
WCWCG: Westerplatte 1939 Campaign Game01 5.00Westerplatte, Free City of Danzig ETOGermanPolish0.2 hrs100% German6%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 0.5hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.11

Total playing time: 15.7hrs

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