Dispatches from the Bunker #41

Published by: The Bunker. September 2015
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Greetings from the Bunker: In this new PDF issue we have four new action-packed scenarios for your ASL enjoyment. Kedge has another article on game play and Carl Nogueira continues his always-popular Tactical Tips. Chuck Tewksbury has a preview of the Tussle in the Tundra Tourney. I’ll have the Nor’easter review, previews of the Bunker Bash and Albany Tournaments along with all our usual features.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Hakkaa Päälle: A new portrait of the Finns in ASLBob 'Kedge' JohnsonAnalysis4
Tactical Tips: Tin Cans and BehemothsCarl NogueiraRules and Strategy10-11
Dispatch #41 Scenarios-SummariesVic ProvostReviewBackpage


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DB123: Probe on the Trail to Hell09 6.50The East-West trail, east of the Piva River, BougainvillePTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese1.7 hrsBalanced11%
DB124: Death on the Eismeer Strasse033 6.25Near Luostari, RussiaETOGermanRussian2.4 hrs57% Russian39%
DB125: Vorwald Waltz04 6.00Vorwald, GermanyWTOGermanAmerican8.3 hrs71% German5%
DB126: The Kastelli Thirteen01 5.00Kissamos Kastelli, CreteMTOGermanGreek / New Zealand3.6 hrsBalanced1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 3hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.94

Total playing time: 16hrs

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