Leibstandarte Pack 5 - Scorched Earth

Published by: Lone Canuck Publishing. May 2013
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8 Scenarios compatible with MMP's ASL™ System, adaptable to Critical Hit's Combat™ Tactical Wargame and other miniature Wargaming systems:

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This publication has been rated: 8/10 by 1 users. Write a review
So Far Another Solid LSSAH Pack
Chris Brackney: 8.0 out of 10. [Review score: 3] [Agree] [Disagree]

I have played two scenarios from this pack so far (1-1), and am halfway through a third one. I feel LSSAH V is proving to be just as solid a production as the others in the series. While overall the scenarios are not quite as meaty as some of the past ones, the nail-biting action is still there. The ones that I've played so far have all done a good job of reflecting the grim desperation experience... Read full review...


LSSAH33: Next Stop Lipovez Station03 7.20Lipovez Station, 4km East of Rossosche, RussiaETOGerman (SS)Russian5.5 hrs67% German (SS)4%
LSSAH34: To The Cherkassy Pocket01 5.00Kossiakoka, RussiaETOGerman (SS)Russian4.4 hrs100% German (SS)1%
LSSAH35: Supreme Effort00 Fediokovka, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)7.8 hrs100% German (SS)0%
LSSAH36: Fuhrer's Expectations05 7.00Votylevka, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)4.2 hrs67% German (SS)7%
LSSAH37: Baker's Dozen03 6.67Manatschin, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)2.7 hrsBalanced4%
LSSAH38: Ivan is Coming!01 Swinne, Russia ETORussianGerman (SS)10.5 hrs83% Russian1%
LSSAH39: Manstein's Lifeline04 7.33North of Voltovzy, Russia ETOGerman (SS)Russian5.3 hrs73% German (SS)6%
LSSAH40: Breathing Room00 Anderyevka, Russia ETORussianGerman (SS)13.5 hrs57% German (SS)0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.4hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.64

Total playing time: 53.9hrs

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