Schwerpunkt #18

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 2012
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SP205: Mius Mischief012 6.46Stepanovka, RussiaETORussianGerman6 hrs58% German4%
SP206: The Fraternal Grave05 5.20Andreevka, RussiaETORussianGerman (SS)8.6 hrsBalanced2%
SP207: Resiste et Mords08 5.67Bodange, BelgiumETOGermanBelgian2.5 hrs61% German3%
SP208: Portomaggiore010 6.45Portomaggiore, Italy MTOBritishGerman5.4 hrs67% German3%
SP209: Farmer's Market02 6.00Schomerich and Kummlerhof, GermanyWTOGerman (SS)American8.3 hrsBalanced1%
SP210: Tea at Three012 5.46Le Muy, FranceWTOBritish/AmericanGerman1.6 hrs73% German4%
SP211: The Apiary01 5.00Kustrin, GermanyETORussianGerman6.7 hrs100% German0%
SP212: Merchant of Venice07 6.71Myitkyina Airstrip, BurmaCBIChineseJapanese3 hrs86% Chinese2%
SP213: The Mighty Have Fallen06 6.50Baliuag, PhilippinesPTOJapaneseAmerican5.7 hrs60% American2%
SP214: Makela's End013 6.44Caspe, SpainSCWNationalistRepublican7.2 hrs62% Republican4%
SP215: Encircle That!05 6.00Nyiregyhaza, HungaryETORussianHungarian5.9 hrs67% Russian2%
SP216: Toothless Tiger04 4.67Shlisselburg, RussiaETOGermanRussian4.9 hrsBalanced1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.8hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.88

Total playing time: 65.8hrs

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