Special Ops # 2

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. February 2012
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Issue #2 includes

ASL/ASLSK articles:
· The Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2012 by Chas Argent
· ASL Starter Kit Sequence of Play
· Soldiers of Orange: A Dutch SASL Campaign by David Meyler & Stephen Jackson

ASL scenarios:
· O3 A frosty morning (Pete Shelling)
· O4 Ain't running away (Ian Daglish)

ASLSK scenarios:
· S39 Use your tanks and shove (Chas Argent)
· S40 Island retreat (Ken Dunn)

Special Ops #2 also includes a rare treat for SASL players:  SO (Soldiers of Orange), a Netherlands 1940 SASL campaign designed by David Meyler and Stephen Jackson.  SO contains four Initial Missions:  Hold the Line, Scouring the Polders, Streets of Rotterdam, and Burning Bridges.   The novel aspect of the campaign is that a campaign uses only one of these initial missions.  Following that mission, which in the campaign will represent the 1940 campaign, the player must then select one of four future paths to follow (each of which has its own missions):  the player can “join the resistance,” “become a Marine commando,” “flee to Great Britain and end up on the Western Front,” or defect to the Nazis and fight with the Waffen SS.   Each mission (24 total) is a variation on one of the existing SASL missions.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

The Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2012Chas ArgentReview15
ASL Starter Kit Sequence of PlayKen DunnRules and Strategy16
Soldiers of Orange: A Dutch SASL CampaignDavid Meyler & Stephen JacksonRules and Strategy21-26


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O3: A Frosty Morning024 7.75Oudna, TunisiaDTOGerman / ItalianBritish7.1 hrs65% German / Italian15%
O4: Ain't Running Away09 7.33St. Barthélemy, FranceWTOGerman (SS)American3.7 hrs83% German (SS)6%
S39: Use Your Tanks and Shove033 6.90Near Maknassy, TunisiaDTOAmericanGerman2.4 hrs61% American21%
S40: Island Retreat012 6.00Isola Bella, ItalyMTOAmericanGerman5 hrs82% German8%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.35hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 7

Total playing time: 18.2hrs

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