Aussie Battler Pack

Published by: Break Contact. February 2011
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Add-on scenarios for Advanced Squad Leader featuring Australian troops, with a few other surprises.

In early 2011, Break Contact emerged from a period of relative inactivity to release two new items, one of which is this product, The Aussie Battler Pack (ABP), a scenario pack very much in the mold of Break Contact! and The Armoured Aussie Pack. It has an emphasis on actions involving Australian troops, with a few trips further afield.

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BC15: Bagging the Bago Bridge01 Negros, PhilippinesPTOAmericanJapanese2.4 hrs100% Japanese5%
BC16: Road to Buin03 6.67Buin Road, BougainvillePTOAustralianJapanese6.2 hrs56% Australian14%
BC17: Forlorn Fury03 9.00Nanking, ChinaCBIJapaneseChinese8.5 hrs100% Chinese14%
BC18: Ghosts in the Machines00 Rzhavets, RussiaETOGermanRussian21.8 hrsUnknown0%
BC19: Hop In for Your Bloody Chop01 Finisterre Mountains, New GuineaPTOJapaneseAustralian8.4 hrs100% Australian5%
BC20: On the Beach00 Bonis Peninsula, BougainvillePTOJapaneseAustralian6.4 hrsUnknown0%
BC21: Irksome Rearguard02 7.00Eora Creek, PapuaPTOAustralianJapanese13.1 hrs100% Australian10%
BC22: Gallants04 9.50Sukhna, SyriaDTOVichy FrenchBritish4.8 hrs100% British19%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 7.4hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 8.04

Total playing time: 71.6hrs

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