Franc-Tireur #12

Published by: Le Franc Tireur. December 2009
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This issue focuses on the PTO, mostly on the war between China and Japan as well as on seaborne assaults. As usual 10 scenarios printed on hard paper and featuring actions with Japanese, Chinese but also US units are included. Moreover, this issue includes 2 SASL missions (on hard paper as well) plus a new map (SK style).

The main topics deal with Seaborne assaults, PTO specificities and some other articles in order to allow any ASL player to enjoy the Pacific Theatre of Operations.

Map board(s):

Board: LFT2

Articles and Resources:

HexDraw and ASL: A voyage into "Kibbling"Don LazovReview5-8
Destroy All Monsters!Alex, Fred, Manu and Xavier!After Action Report9-11
Friendly Fire Pack 4 & 5 ReviewPhilippe BriauxReview12-13
10 Questions to Klas MalmströmXavier VitryReference Material14-15
Grenadier!Alexandre Rousse-LacordaireReview16
Saumur 2009Alexandre Rousse-LacordaireReview17
ASL RingAlexandre Rousse-LacordaireReview17
Japanese Island DefensesGuillaume LasconjariasReference Material18-23
Armies of the Middle Earth Empire: The Chinese Infantry BattalionPhilippe NaudReference Material24-25
Iloilo MuseumReference Material26
Chronology of the Japanese & Chinese WarPhilippe NaudReference Material27-28
Chronology of the Chinese Civil WarPhilippe NaudReference Material29
Time Issue!...Emmanuel BatisseHumour30-31
Sims RidgeLaurent Closier & Roger CookAfter Action Report32-37, 79
PTO BasicsLaurent ForestRules and Strategy38-48
Sons of BeachesJean Pascal PaoliRules and Strategy49-55
Seaborne AssaultsLaurent ClosierAfter Action Report56-69
Seaborne Assault/Evacuation Scenarios/CGReference Material70
Gavutu-TanambogoScott E. ThompsonAfter Action Report71-77
BibliographyReference Material78


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FT136: Shanghai by Sea04 6.00Wusong, south of Shanghai, ChinaCBIJapaneseGMD6.4 hrs63% Japanese3%
FT137: 300025 6.86Shanghai, ChinaCBIJapaneseGMD3.8 hrs64% Japanese21%
FT138: Meeting Up at Matan02 5.50Matan on the Yangtse River, ChinaCBIJapaneseGMD4.2 hrs57% GMD2%
FT139: Ride of the 200th08 7.71Kunlun Pass, North Guangxi, ChinaCBIChineseJapanese4.1 hrs65% Chinese7%
FT140: Chinese Raiders04 5.50IIIrd Military District, Tonkin Area, IndochinaCBIChineseVichy French / Partisans3.4 hrs57% Chinese3%
FT141: Easy Day at Volupai013 5.69Willaumez Peninsula, New BritainPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese2.6 hrsBalanced11%
FT142: Cut, Slash and Mow Down00 Vicinity of Torokina Airbase, BougainvillePTOJapaneseAmerican7.8 hrs100% Japanese0%
FT143: Red Scare00 Near Jiagou, ChinaCBIRed ChineseGMD5.4 hrs100% Red Chinese0%
FT144: Tigers of Pantang01 7.00Near Pantang, ChinaCBIRed ChineseGMD6.6 hrs80% Red Chinese1%
FT145: Bears of Kinmen02 6.50Kinmen Island, Taiwan StraightCBIRed ChineseGMD13.8 hrs80% GMD2%
SASL Mission FT 1: Hit Them Hard00 Shanghai, ChinaCBIChinese GMDJapanese1 hrsUnknown0%
SASL Mission FT 2: Against Ill Advice00 Telok Ansol, MalayaPTOJapaneseBritishUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.2hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.35

Total playing time: 59.1hrs

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