Turning the Tide

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. January 2009
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Turning The Tide - ASL Scenario Bundle is a package featuring 20 Squad Leader - GI Anvil of Victory scenarios which have been updated to ASL standards.

Turning The Tide contains 20 ASL scenarios.

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U14: Sacrifice of Polish Armor012 6.79Novy Targ Region, Southern PolandETOGermanPolish14.3 hrs75% German2%
U15: Battle for the Warta Line032 7.58Central PolandETOGerman (SS)Polish6.8 hrsBalanced5%
U16: Under Cover of Darkness03 6.67Gdynia, Northern PolandETOPolishGerman10 hrs67% Polish0%
U17: Resistance at Chabrehez011 7.80The Ardennes, BelgiumETOGermanBelgian3.7 hrs60% German2%
U18: Assault on a Queen03 5.33The Hague, NetherlandsETOGermanDutch7.5 hrs67% Dutch0%
U19: Hasty Pudding06 5.14Dunkirk perimeter, FranceETOBritishGerman12.9 hrsBalanced1%
U20: Fighting at World's Edge057 5.94Taraldsvikfjell, NorwayETONorwegian / French German5.7 hrsBalanced8%
U21: The French Perimeter044 5.83Spycker, France ETOGermanFrench9.5 hrs59% German6%
U22: Road to Kozani Pass015 6.47Komanos, Western GreeceMTOGermanBritish/New Zealand18.9 hrs57% British/New Zealand2%
U23: Rehearsal for Crete027 7.27Argos, in the PeloponnesusMTOGermanGreek / New Zealand / Australian23.2 hrs85% German4%
U24: Traverse Right ... Fire!022 6.00Bialystok, RussiaETOGermanRussian1.8 hrs82% Russian3%
U25: Breakout from Borisov07 7.10Borisov, RussiaETOGermanRussian29.3 hrs67% German1%
U26: Bald Hill03 5.50Leningrad, RussiaETOGermanRussian13.8 hrs100% German0%
U27: A Winter Melee047 7.88Okorovovo, RussiaETORussian / PartisanGerman13.8 hrs58% German7%
U28: Sowchos 79034 6.62Southern RussiaETOGermanRussian26 hrs57% German5%
U29: Night Battle at Noromaryevka05 6.67Noromaryevka, RussiaETORussianGerman12.7 hrs100% German1%
U30: Swatting at Tigers04 6.00Biazzo Ridge, ItalyMTOAmericanGerman10.6 hrs100% German1%
U31: The Front in Flames024 6.1820 km south of Kharkov, USSR ETOGermanRussian1.5 hrs65% German3%
U32: Disaster on the Dnieper Loop05 7.40Dnieper loop between Kaniv and Rzhishchev, RussiaETORussianGerman17.7 hrs100% Russian1%
U33: The Bukrin Bridgehead04 9.0050 miles S.E. of Kiev, RussiaETORussianGerman13.3 hrsBalanced1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 12.8hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.66

Total playing time: 253hrs

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