Friendly Fire Pack 4
Published by: Friendly Fire. October 2008
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This publication has been rated: 7/10 by 1 users. Write a reviewMy First FrF Pack nathan wegener: 7.0 out of 10. [Review score: 0] [Agree] [Disagree] Bought this pack at Intensive Fire in the UK after playing several of these scenarios on the tourney circuit. I really enjoyed the scenarios I've tried so far. The pace of FRF is not as frenzied as the typical SP scenario so that is a welcome thing at a tourney. It does appear that several FRF scenarios have a 'trick' - ie the scenario is not balanced unless an attack or defense is done in a p... Read full review... |
Scenario | Played | Total | Rating | Location | Theatre | Attacker | Defender | Length | Balance | Popularity* |
FrF25: Yasuoka's Tank Experience | 0 | 32 | 7.00 | Southwest of Nomonhan, Manchukuo | CBI | Japanese | Russian | 5.3 hrs | 63% Russian | 4% |
FrF26: A Polish Requiem | 0 | 144 | 7.00 | Brzesc-Litewski, Poland | ETO | German | Polish | 5.8 hrs | 57% Polish | 18% |
FrF27: Cocktails for Molotov | 0 | 18 | 6.85 | Grodno, Poland | ETO | Russian | Polish | 3.6 hrs | 72% Polish | 2% |
FrF28: Luftlandekommando Hedderich | 0 | 10 | 7.58 | Aessen, Luxembourg | ETO | French | German | 5.3 hrs | 56% French | 1% |
FrF29: Sting of the Italian Hornet | 0 | 22 | 7.21 | Modica, Sicily | MTO | Canadian | Italian | 7 hrs | 71% Italian | 3% |
FrF30: Bidermann's Escape | 0 | 50 | 6.63 | Miory, Belarus | ETO | German | Russian | 2.3 hrs | 57% German | 6% |
FrF31: Pursuing Frank | 0 | 26 | 8.50 | North of Otwock, Poland | ETO | Russian | German | 4.5 hrs | 65% German | 3% |
FrF32: The Hellenic Expedition | 0 | 36 | 6.17 | Miramare Airfield, near Rimini, Italy | MTO | Greek / New Zealand | German | 4.2 hrs | 72% German | 4% |
FrF33: Under the Northern Light | 0 | 6 | 6.71 | Kemi Airport, Finland | ETO | Finnish | German (SS) | 5.3 hrs | 64% German (SS) | 1% |
FrF34: The Jagdtiger Theory | 0 | 19 | 6.67 | Golzow, Germany | ETO | Russian | German | 4.3 hrs | 79% Russian | 2% |
* Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.
(Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.
Median length of scenarios: 4.9hrs
Average rating of scenarios: 7.03
Total playing time: 47.6hrs