Schwerpunkt #11

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 2005
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This issue’s 24-page booklet contains three articles: Evan Sherry's, Beyond the Cardboard: The Japanese Infantry Company, Platoon, and Squad in ASL and Incoming: Reacting to Off-board Artillery along with Rusty Witek's The Languages of ASL: The Rulebook as Anti-Text, as well as our trademark analyses and designer’s notes for Scenarios SP121-SP132. Each of the 12 scenarios are printed on cardstock in our easy-to-read format. The scenarios are in keeping with the Schwerpunkt tradition of tournament-sized as well as medium-sized actions. There's something is this pack for players of all experience levels!

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Beyond the Cardboard: The Japanese Infantry Company, Platoon and Squad in ASLEvan E. SherryReference Material3 - 6
Incoming!: Reacting to Offboard ArtilleryEvan E. SherryAnalysis10-11
The Languages of ASL, Part 1: The Rulebook as Anti-TextDr. Rusty WitekHumour22-23


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SP121: Danger Close!03 7.00Udenbreth, BelgiumWTOGermanAmerican3.5 hrs63% American0%
SP122: Constant Sorrow01 Klingenberg, GermanyWTOFree FrenchGerman7.3 hrs100% German0%
SP123: The Badger's Breath025 6.72Voorthuizen, The NetherlandsWTOGermanCanadian4.7 hrsBalanced4%
SP124: Expelling The Guards05 4.67Near Peremoga, USSRETOGermanRussian8.7 hrs60% German1%
SP125: Nunshigum024 6.30Nunshigum, BurmaCBIGurkhaJapanese1.8 hrsBalanced4%
SP126: Malignant Mahrattas096 6.44Sibung, BurmaCBIJapaneseIndian2.1 hrsBalanced15%
SP127: Bleed Gurkha Bleed040 6.67Sittang Bridge, BurmaCBIJapaneseGurkha5.3 hrs73% Japanese6%
SP128: Rupee Reward046 6.25Taunggyi, BurmaCBIChineseJapanese2.6 hrs57% Japanese7%
SP129: Locking Horns at Lozovaja03 7.00Lozovaja, USSRETOGerman (SS)Russian7.5 hrs73% German (SS)0%
SP130: The Tiger's Whiskers05 7.40Teterovino, RussiaETOGerman (SS)Russian5.9 hrs100% German (SS)1%
SP131: Pocket Panzers011 7.18Son, The NetherlandsWTOGermanAllies9.2 hrs64% Allies2%
SP132: Timmerman's Bridge04 7.00Remagen, GermanyWTOAmericanGerman4.8 hrsBalanced1%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.05hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.6

Total playing time: 63.4hrs

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