Schwerpunkt # 4

Published by: Sherry Enterprises. October 1999
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Articles and Resources:

The Failure of Fire-Power: The Battle for France 1940Brook WhiteReference Material3-10
The 1999 Florida ASL TournamentEvan E. SherryAfter Action Report23


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SP37: Last Stand at Iserlon02 7.00Iserlon, GermanyWTOAmericanGerman13.9 hrs100% German3%
SP38: Led to the Slaughter04 6.00Cisterna, ItalyMTOAmericanGerman3 hrs75% German7%
SP39: Down the Manipur Road06 7.13Viswema, BurmaCBIBritishJapanese6 hrs60% Japanese10%
SP40: Stand at Festubert03 7.00Festubert, FranceETOGermanBritish5.6 hrsBalanced5%
SP41: Bloody Gulch04 6.67Carentan, France WTOGerman (SS)American3.5 hrs75% American7%
SP42: Hot In Kot03 7.43Kot, IndiaCBIPartisanIndian3.7 hrsBalanced5%
SP43: Deadeye Smoyer020 6.67Cologne, FranceWTOAmericanGerman2.3 hrsBalanced34%
SP44: Sufferin' Sudfrankreich08 7.55Vassieux, FranceWTOGermanPartisan (FFI)2.5 hrs67% German14%
SP45: A Stroke of Luck03 6.00Lauban, SilesiaETOGermanRussian5.7 hrs67% Russian5%
SP46: Give Them Some Steel!01 7.00Djebel el Anl Pass, TunisiaDTOAmericanItalian4.6 hrs100% Italian2%
SP47: Key to the Gate00 Medjez el Bab, TunisiaDTOGermanFrench / British / American11 hrsUnknown0%
SP48: Orlik and the Uhlans05 7.20Sierakow, PolandETOGermanPolish7 hrs80% German8%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.1hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.88

Total playing time: 68.8hrs

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