Desert Rats Scenario Pack

Published by: Panzer Press. January 1999
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Desert Rats scenario pack is one of the more obscure ASL titles. It was originally published by Panzer Press, sometime circa 1999, and designed by Tom Slizewski, who wrote the Complete Guide to Wargames. The scenarios are all desert scenarios featuring German, Italian, British, Indian, French and New Zealand units. It is one of the few sources for multiple scenarios with Italian troops.

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DR 1: The Italians Need Help02 7.25Camp Turner West, south of Sidi Barani, EgyptDTOBritishItalian7 hrs100% British7%
DR 2: Tobruk Derby00 5.00South of Mechili, LibyaDTOGermanBritish7.4 hrs67% British0%
DR 3: Hellfire Pass01 8.00Halfaya Pass, south of Solum, EgyptDTOBritishGerman11.7 hrs67% British4%
DR 4: Seizing Sidi Rezegh01 7.00Near Sidi Rezegh, LibyaDTOGermanBritish13.2 hrs71% German4%
DR 5: The French Fight00 Bir Hacheim, LibyaDTOGerman / ItalianFree French14.4 hrsUnknown0%
DR 6: Killing Field01 7.00Knightsbridge, south of Bir Lefa, LibyaDTOGermanBritish7.2 hrs100% British4%
DR 7: Devil's Garden00 South El Alamein, EgyptDTOItalianBritish9.8 hrsUnknown0%
DR 8: Supercharge!01 5.00South of El Alamein, EgyptDTOBritishGerman23.2 hrs83% British4%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 10.75hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.54

Total playing time: 93.9hrs

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