Winpak #1

Published by: Lone Canuck Publishing. January 1998
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10 Scenarios compatible with MMP's ASLâ„¢ System and adaptable to Critical Hit's Combatâ„¢ Tactical Wargame and other miniature Wargaming systems
Winpak #1 Cover

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WP 1: First Blood02 6.33Pachino Airfield, Sicily, ItalyMTOCanadianItalian4.5 hrs100% Italian6%
WP 2: Attack on the Partisan Headquarters05 6.00Daliki, RussiaETOGermanPartisan10.2 hrs80% German16%
WP 3: Off to the Crossroads00 South of Casa Berardi, Italy MTOCanadianGerman6.1 hrsUnknown0%
WP 4: Stripped and Ready for War01 7.00Schweigen, GermanyETOFrenchGerman4.2 hrs100% German3%
WP 5: The Last Assault00 Near Eisholz, GermanyETOGerman (SS)Russian4.4 hrsUnknown0%
WP 6: Ils Ne Passeront Pas02 6.25Casa Berardi, ItalyMTOGermanCanadian2.9 hrsBalanced6%
WP 7: Struggle Out of the Scheidiswald02 6.00Southern edge of Scheidiswald, RussiaETORussianGerman2.8 hrsBalanced6%
WP 8: "That Damn Bridge!"03 7.40Pontaubault, FranceWTOGermanAmerican15.3 hrsBalanced10%
WP 9: The Last Charge!04 5.33Near Toungoo, BurmaCBIBurmeseJapanese1.9 hrs100% Japanese13%
WP 10: Red Marines of Ozereyka Bay01 7.00Ozereyka Bay, RussiaETORomanianRussian2.5 hrs100% Russian3%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.3hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 6.41

Total playing time: 54.8hrs

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