Obong-Ni KW (id:#66059)
Prior Publication: Critical Hit #3
Obong-Ni Ridge, South Korea
1950-08-17 (3 others)
CH 35: Obong-Ni (Critical Hit # 3)
CH 35a: Obong-Ni (Critical Hit # 7.2)
KOR #6: Final Counter-Attack (Critical Hit Annual #4)
CH 35a: Obong-Ni (Critical Hit # 7.2)
KOR #6: Final Counter-Attack (Critical Hit Annual #4)
Designer: Steven C. Swann
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
North KoreanAmerican (USMC)
Early in the morning of 17 August, elements of the 5th Marine Regiment had fought a series of platoon and company sized actions against portions of the 4th NKPA Division. The fighting took place along the crest of a brush covered ridge known as Obong-Ni. Late in the afternoon of the 17th, the northern-most peak was occupied by Company B, 15th Marines after taking heavy casualties. Company F of the U.S. 9th Infantry occupied another ridge just north of Obong-Ni. The North Korean response was prompt; using the support of a few T-34 tanks, an attempt at an encircling maneuver was made around the north end of Obong-Ni was made, using a dry, dusty road that ran between the Army and Marine regiments. Directly in their path lay the remaining Leathernecks of Company B, and its attached AT company from the 5th Marines.Attacker: North Korean (4th NKPA Division)
Defender: American (USMC) (Company B, 5th Marines,AT Company 5th Marines, Bazooka Team from Company F, US 9th Infantry Regiment, and Elements Coy A, 1st Marine Tank Battalion)
4.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:22.0 D:14.5 |
AFVs: A:5 T-34/85 x 5 |
AFVs: D:3 M26 x 3 |
Guns: A:0 50mm RM obr. 40 x 2 D:0 M20 75mm Recoilless Rifle x 2 |
Misc Rules: | Treat Woods/Grain/Orchards as Brush. Only 1 Road. |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition) | 2 |
ASL 13 - Rising Sun | 39 |
ASL 13 - Rising Sun (2021) | 39 |
ASL 9 - Gung Ho! | 39 |
Overlays: |
Errata (source)
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Scenario info
Action | Date |
hoxson1 Modified the unit counts | 2024-05-13 16:46:03 |
hoxson1 Uploaded an Image | 2024-05-13 16:45:25 |
hoxson1 Modified the Defender | 2024-05-13 16:44:19 |
hoxson1 Modified the misc. rules | 2024-05-13 16:43:44 |
hoxson1 Uploaded the Board image | 2024-05-13 16:42:44 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(nkorea-usmc.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 217 |
(obong-ni_map__brush_added.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 236 |
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