The Bitwod Makonnen commanded the army of Wollega-Ardjo, the most modern and well-armed force in the north. Realizing the danger of an encirclement of Muluguea's army at Ambra Aradum and aching for a fight, he ignored the orders of his superiors and set out with a small picked force to halt the encircling left hook of the Italians. The Bitwod Makonnen divided his men into three parties. The objective was a group of Italian machine gun positions set up the afternoon before. Under cover of the half light before dawn, the Ethiopians crept toward the enemy.
Attacker: Ethiopian (Army of Welega-Arjo)
Defender: Italian (I Battaglione, 46º Reggimento Fanteria "Reggio," 30º Divisione Fanteria "Sabauda")
The Italians set up the Sangars in 27S1 and 27X4 with the majority of forces on the hex row S Sangar.
The Ethiopians set up in the board 27 Wadi and entered their turn 2 reinforcements on the West edge.
The Italians chewed up the Ethiopians piecemeal. At game end, the Ethiopians had captured the S1 Sangar and only had a 3-3-7, 2-3-7, and wounded 9-2 leader left in good order. The Italians had 4 x 3-4-7 squads (one with a captured LMG), 1 1-3-7 HS, an 8-0, 7-0 and 6+1 leader. The scenario did a good job capturing the flavor of the conflict.
Game highlights:
Italian: 7 sniper activations in a row at the start of the game! (4 x 1, and 3 x 2)
Ethiopian: A Human Wave from the Western reinforcements and a couple of brutal H-t-H CC.
(D) Dan Best
Kermit Mullins
Ethiopian win
(A) Kermit Mullins
Dan Best
Ethiopian win
Ethiopians attacked from three areas and by Turn 6 had claimed both Sangars. Casualties were high on both sides, but the close combats went to the Ethiopians who also created two 7-0 leaders in the course of the game. Hard game on the Italians once the Ethiopians flooded the hills.
(D) Rich Weiley
Dave Wallace
Italian win
(D) Jobbo Fett
Gary Bartlett
Ethiopian win
It seemed the Italians just did not have the will to fight in this one, in an attempt to break the western front of the initial on-board ethiopians, they only broke one squad and the bloody CC in return wiped them all out. The MMG barely made a name for itself, though it did keep a leader broken for the match. I have to hand it to Gary's dice rolling a 5.81 on 42 rolls, with my average of 7.1 on 41 rolls making a pitiful showing.
Not quite sure how to play the scenario any better than I did, aside from perhaps being less bloodthirsty initially. I think setting up on the upper-right hillock might not be the best idea, although I was hoping to use the stone buildings nearby as a base of fire after ridding myself of Gary's nearby Ethiopians. 26 squads to 12 Italian squads seems like a bit too much of an advantage when you have so few SWs and the initial two turns feature a +1 LV Hindrance. 8 turns is a monster for this scenario, imo. Should probably be 6.