They Went That Way! MTO (id:#65220)
Near Troina, Sicily
1943-08-05 (4 others)
Designer: Kermit Mullins
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
No balance information available
The fighting in Sicily was nearing its end as the Allies were pushing their way through the Axis defenses around Torina. Patton would relieve the hard-fighting 45th "Thunderbirds" in order to rest them for the upcoming invasion of Italy. He would put in the 9th "Old Reliables" to continue pursuing the Germans towards Randazzo and then on to Messina and the end game in Sicily. Retreating before the Americans was the 15th Panzergrenadier Division. The fighting at Troina had inflicted severe losses, but General Hans Hube was skillfully extracting his units towards the coast and then to safety in Italy. But, sacrifices would have to be made in order for the Division to escape. To the end, German rearguard units mined and booby-trapped the roads leading to Randazzo to slow the Americans as much as possible. As the 39th Infantry Regiment rapidly followed the retreating Germans, they would encounter Sicilian citizens who were eager to point out German ambush positions. With this key intelligence, the Americans continued their advance. A number of sharp firefights would occur as the Americans moved along Highway 120.Attacker: American (39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division)
Defender: German (15th Panzergrenadier Division)
6.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:18.0 D:10.0 |
AFVs: A:6 M4A1 x 2 M10 GMC x 2 M3 ht x 2 Jeep x 2 1 1/2-Ton Truck x 6 |
AFVs: D:3 SPW 250/9 SPW 251/1 x 2 |
Guns: A:0 M2 60mm Mortar x 2 D:3 5cm PaK 38 x 2 2cm FlaKvierling 38 5cm leGrW 36 x 2 |
Misc Rules: | NQ is NA. D: Germans may freely deploy at start, no HIP units |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL Action Pack # 6 A Decade of War | 2a |
ASL Action Pack # 7 | 61 |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
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Scenario info
Action | Date |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2022-04-20 16:13:06 |
hoxson1 Modified the Theatre | 2020-10-14 20:34:03 |
hoxson1 Modified the misc. rules | 2020-10-02 16:51:09 |
hoxson1 Modified the Title | 2020-10-02 16:50:33 |
hoxson1 Uploaded the Board image | 2020-10-01 02:07:36 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(GJ-087 They went that Way!.jpg) | Image | grumblejones | 896 |
(1bf756c4978884f7118f35b481982290.jpg) | Image | grumblejones | 808 |
(!usa-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 766 |
PDF Version of the Scenario Card (GJ-087 They went that Way!.pdf) | Misc. | grumblejones | 917 |
(went that way map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 825 |
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