Kapitulieren...Nein! WTO (id:#64061)
Iserlohn, Germany
1945-04-16 (23 others)
AP09: Red Storm (ASL Action Pack # 2)
BB06: Shattering the Line (Backblast # 1)
OA15: Shattering the Line (Out of the Attic)
MLR 4: Sneek Attack (Maple Leaf Route # 2.1)
OAF1: "Smasher Karl" Weidling (OAF Pack 1)
MLR 4: Sneek Attack (Canada at War)
O50.1: Smasher Karl (On All Fronts # 50)
SP37: Last Stand at Iserlon (Schwerpunkt # 4)
SP92: Seelow Seesaw (Schwerpunkt # 8)
TAC30: Yae Dake (Tactiques # 3)
MLR 4: Sneek Attack (View From the Trenches # 33)
Round 5: Red Gust (ANZACon 2000)
Round 3: Hell Keep (SAGA 1996)
CH 181: Thunder at Seelow (Critical Hit # 7.3)
UT1: A Bright Idea (Uppsala Tournament 89/90)
RetroPak#1: Crossing the Oder Bruch (Retro Pak I)
J143: Circle of Doom (ASL Journal # 9)
FrF59: Capital Punishment (Friendly Fire Pack 7)
MLR04: Sneek Attack (Elite Canadians)
FrF83: Phantom Army (Friendly Fire Pack 10)
Berlin I #17: Thunder At Seelow (Berlin Final Days)
BoF22: Capital Punishment (Best of Friends 2)
CTASL 2: Attack Of The Manchurian Candidates (Opening Assault)
BB06: Shattering the Line (Backblast # 1)
OA15: Shattering the Line (Out of the Attic)
MLR 4: Sneek Attack (Maple Leaf Route # 2.1)
OAF1: "Smasher Karl" Weidling (OAF Pack 1)
MLR 4: Sneek Attack (Canada at War)
O50.1: Smasher Karl (On All Fronts # 50)
SP37: Last Stand at Iserlon (Schwerpunkt # 4)
SP92: Seelow Seesaw (Schwerpunkt # 8)
TAC30: Yae Dake (Tactiques # 3)
MLR 4: Sneek Attack (View From the Trenches # 33)
Round 5: Red Gust (ANZACon 2000)
Round 3: Hell Keep (SAGA 1996)
CH 181: Thunder at Seelow (Critical Hit # 7.3)
UT1: A Bright Idea (Uppsala Tournament 89/90)
RetroPak#1: Crossing the Oder Bruch (Retro Pak I)
J143: Circle of Doom (ASL Journal # 9)
FrF59: Capital Punishment (Friendly Fire Pack 7)
MLR04: Sneek Attack (Elite Canadians)
FrF83: Phantom Army (Friendly Fire Pack 10)
Berlin I #17: Thunder At Seelow (Berlin Final Days)
BoF22: Capital Punishment (Best of Friends 2)
CTASL 2: Attack Of The Manchurian Candidates (Opening Assault)
Designer: Kermit Mullins
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
Following service in the Remagen Bridge sector, the 512th Schwere Panzerjaeger Battalion had fought hard to stem the advance of American units into Germany. In April, the battalion had inflicted heavy losses on American Sherman Tanks and other lightly armored vehicles. On April 16th, the battalion, led by Hauptmann Albert Ernst was tasked with the defense of Iserlohn. Rather than subject the town to significant damage, Ernst famously surrendered his unit in the main square. But..what if...what if Ernst had decided to defend the city as elements of the US 99th Infantry Division and 3rd Armored Division approached the town. What if Ernst had decided to establish a roadblock into the center of the town, deployed his single company of Panzergrenadiers and positioned his remaining three Jagdtigers to hold the town at all costs….what if..Attacker: American (99th Infantry Division with 3rd Armor Division)
Defender: German (Schwere Panzerjaeger Battalion 512)
7 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:15.0 D:8.0 |
AFVs: A:7 M26 x 2 M45 x 2 M3 ht x 3 |
AFVs: D:4 JgdPz VI x 3 SPW 250/1 Kfz 1 |
Guns: A:0 D:0 |
Misc Rules: | No Quarter is NA. D: 9-1 Armor Leader is Ernst; if killed or captured, ELR drop |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018 | i-dx |
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018 | k-dx |
Overlays: | NONE |
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Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the gps location | 2025-01-03 16:54:50 |
Hutch Modified the Defender's AFVs | 2025-01-03 16:53:47 |
Hutch Modified the unit counts | 2025-01-03 16:53:47 |
Turuk Modified the maps | 2024-03-25 16:44:34 |
Turuk Removed a map | 2024-03-25 16:43:29 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(GJ-076 Kapitulieren...Nein! (002).jpg) | Image | grumblejones | 1137 |
(untitled.png) | Image | grumblejones | 951 |
(!usa-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 909 |
PDF Version (GJ-076 Kapitulieren...Nein! (002).pdf) | Misc. | grumblejones | 1303 |
(Kapitulieren map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 929 |
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Title | Author | Date |
US M45 Counter Required (FW) (view) | Hutch | 2019-11-01 23:59:55 |
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