The Haunted Castle ETO (id:#62911)
Oleszyce, Poland
1941-06-22 (22 others)
06: Red Packets (ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition))
SK 4: Armor Clash (Internet)
XK1: Encounter at Checkpoint Chapkevskoy (Forgotten Counters)
FrF4: Barbarossa D-Day (Friendly Fire Pack 1)
FF3: Armor Clash (Firefights!)
RBF10: Tip Off at Tauroggen (Recon by Fire! #2)
OF1: Stalin's Shadow (Ost Front Pack)
O49.1: Victory at Pratulin (On All Fronts # 49)
O53.1: The Struggle Begins (On All Fronts # 53)
ON13: To The Soldiers of the Ostfront (On Top Scenarios)
SP101: Jura Juggernaut (Schwerpunkt # 9)
WG 3: Attack on the Frontier (Wargamer # 2.10)
JW 03: Ils Debarquent (They Disembark) (Assurbanipal)
DB059: Grind Them To Dust (Dispatches from the Bunker #24)
ASLSK Contest A: To The Soldiers Of The Ostfront (ASL Starter Kit Scenario Designer Contest)
FT162: Assault on District Rovno (From The Cellar Pack # 6)
OF 13: Clash of Armour (Ost Front Pack 3: Operation Barbarossa)
JAVA03: The Storming of Tauroggen (ASL For Fun-LCP)
DB156: To The Neman (Dispatches from the Bunker #50)
06: Red Packets (ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (2nd Edition) )
06: Red Packets (ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) )
VV-146: Tauchpanzer (Vae Victis # 174)
SK 4: Armor Clash (Internet)
XK1: Encounter at Checkpoint Chapkevskoy (Forgotten Counters)
FrF4: Barbarossa D-Day (Friendly Fire Pack 1)
FF3: Armor Clash (Firefights!)
RBF10: Tip Off at Tauroggen (Recon by Fire! #2)
OF1: Stalin's Shadow (Ost Front Pack)
O49.1: Victory at Pratulin (On All Fronts # 49)
O53.1: The Struggle Begins (On All Fronts # 53)
ON13: To The Soldiers of the Ostfront (On Top Scenarios)
SP101: Jura Juggernaut (Schwerpunkt # 9)
WG 3: Attack on the Frontier (Wargamer # 2.10)
JW 03: Ils Debarquent (They Disembark) (Assurbanipal)
DB059: Grind Them To Dust (Dispatches from the Bunker #24)
ASLSK Contest A: To The Soldiers Of The Ostfront (ASL Starter Kit Scenario Designer Contest)
FT162: Assault on District Rovno (From The Cellar Pack # 6)
OF 13: Clash of Armour (Ost Front Pack 3: Operation Barbarossa)
JAVA03: The Storming of Tauroggen (ASL For Fun-LCP)
DB156: To The Neman (Dispatches from the Bunker #50)
06: Red Packets (ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (2nd Edition) )
06: Red Packets (ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (1st Edition) )
VV-146: Tauchpanzer (Vae Victis # 174)
Designer: Michael Koch
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
For the veterans of Gebirgs-Division 1, who had fought in Poland, France, and the Balkans, Operation BARBAROSSA was to be a totally new experience. Under the roaring salvos of divisional artillery, the Jäger of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99 crossed the border and headed toward the town of Oleszyce. Along the way, they engaged in several firefights with Soviet units which seemed to be everywhere. Finally, the Jäger, together with some light mountain guns from their artillery unit, reached the outskirts of Oleszyce. To their surprise, everything was quiet and no enemy units were around. At the boundaries of a park, part of a local castle, the German soldiers took a well-deserved restAttacker: Russian (97th Rifle Division, 91st NKVD Border Guard Detachment)
Defender: German (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99 , Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 79, Gebirgs-Division 1 and Gebirgs-Pionier-Bataillon 54)
6 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:11.0 D:11.5 |
AFVs: A:0 |
AFVs: D:0 |
Guns: A:0 D:1 7.5cm leFK 16nA |
Misc Rules: | HtH (J2.31). A: Russian sets up and moves first. |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL Action Pack # 9 To the Bridge! | 9b |
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2012 | 65 |
Overlays: | NONE |
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Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the misc. rules | 2025-01-31 07:55:45 |
Hutch Modified the gps location | 2025-01-31 07:54:39 |
mtrodgers99 Added a playing | 2025-01-31 02:06:55 |
Turuk Uploaded a VASL file | 2024-06-25 19:12:03 |
Dispang12 Added a playing | 2024-06-03 21:55:02 |
File | Description | User | Views |
End of game (Victory of sorts.JPG) | After Action Report | Agoldin | 1225 |
VASL Scenario Setup (J 185 the-haunted-castle v667.vsav) | VASL Setup | Turuk | 201 |
(olesyze.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1134 |
(!sov-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 967 |
(J185 haunted map.jpg) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 1104 |
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