Bitter Day ETO (id:#62128)
10 kilometers East of Hannut, Belgium
1940-05-12 (30 others)
NEWS48: For One More Hour (ASL News # 26)
ASL News 48: For One More Hour (ASL News Pack #1)
EP48: For One More Hour (Euro-Pack I - Early War Actions)
GTF 2: Bitter Day (Gembloux: The Feint)
GTF 3: Reluctant Withdrawal (Gembloux: The Feint)
GTF 4: Thisnes at Dusk (Gembloux: The Feint)
4: The Clog (Dezign Pak 1)
NFNH 4: Dragoons in Holland (Waffen-SS III: Neither Fear Nor Hope)
O106.2: Defénse de Doubler (On All Fronts #106)
CEP 17: Armed Reconnaissance (OAF Playtester's Journal # 5)
16: Dutch Treat (Dezign Pak 2)
FE 157: French Forward! (Dutch Pack)
SP186: Beaufort's Feast (Schwerpunkt #16)
SP195: Retreat From Hannut (Schwerpunkt #17)
GTF 3: Reluctant Withdrawal (Gembloux II)
GTF 4: Thisnes at Dusk (Gembloux II)
#7: For One More Hour (Retro Pak III)
ESG122: Jump the Curb (Dezign Pak 10)
YASL#2: Initial Skirmish (Nor'easter XX)
BWN 4: Brush at Tilburg (Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign)
BWN 5: Breda Bash (Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign)
JAVA09: As Good As They Got (ASL For Fun-LCP)
KVxx: Burning Bjerkvik (Klementi Voroshilov Blog Scenarios)
DN02: Chasseurs at Yvoir (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
BWC-10: Wrong Position (Blitzkrieg in the West - Central Campaign)
RPT171: Pentecost Sunday Meeting (Rally Point #18)
RPT172: L’embuscade du Geneste (Rally Point #18)
2GM-6: De Noche Y A Pulso (Alea #37)
ASLN48: For One More Hour (Critical Hit #8.2)
Scripts 2: Fritz's Feint (Red Banner 2024 Q1)
ASL News 48: For One More Hour (ASL News Pack #1)
EP48: For One More Hour (Euro-Pack I - Early War Actions)
GTF 2: Bitter Day (Gembloux: The Feint)
GTF 3: Reluctant Withdrawal (Gembloux: The Feint)
GTF 4: Thisnes at Dusk (Gembloux: The Feint)
4: The Clog (Dezign Pak 1)
NFNH 4: Dragoons in Holland (Waffen-SS III: Neither Fear Nor Hope)
O106.2: Defénse de Doubler (On All Fronts #106)
CEP 17: Armed Reconnaissance (OAF Playtester's Journal # 5)
16: Dutch Treat (Dezign Pak 2)
FE 157: French Forward! (Dutch Pack)
SP186: Beaufort's Feast (Schwerpunkt #16)
SP195: Retreat From Hannut (Schwerpunkt #17)
GTF 3: Reluctant Withdrawal (Gembloux II)
GTF 4: Thisnes at Dusk (Gembloux II)
#7: For One More Hour (Retro Pak III)
ESG122: Jump the Curb (Dezign Pak 10)
YASL#2: Initial Skirmish (Nor'easter XX)
BWN 4: Brush at Tilburg (Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign)
BWN 5: Breda Bash (Blitzkrieg in the West - Northern Campaign)
JAVA09: As Good As They Got (ASL For Fun-LCP)
KVxx: Burning Bjerkvik (Klementi Voroshilov Blog Scenarios)
DN02: Chasseurs at Yvoir (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
BWC-10: Wrong Position (Blitzkrieg in the West - Central Campaign)
RPT171: Pentecost Sunday Meeting (Rally Point #18)
RPT172: L’embuscade du Geneste (Rally Point #18)
2GM-6: De Noche Y A Pulso (Alea #37)
ASLN48: For One More Hour (Critical Hit #8.2)
Scripts 2: Fritz's Feint (Red Banner 2024 Q1)
Designer: Tim Robinson
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
At about 4:00 A.M., the 35th Panzer Regiment moved out of laager at Tongres and meeting no significant opposition, progressed until running headlong into French armor and infantry outside the village of Hannut. The survivors of the initial ambush deployed and attacked the French strongpoint. The fighting soon intensified, with French tanks mounting a counter-attack against the Germans. The battle rapidly grew confused as both sides brought up reserves in an effort to gain the upperhand.Attacker: German (Elements of the Panzer Regiment 35, Panzer Division 4 and elements of Kompanie 8, Panzer Regiment 35, Panzer Division 4)
Defender: French (Elements of the 1e Cuirassiers, 3e Division Légere Mechanique)
10 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:9.0 D:9.0 |
AFVs: A:10 PzKpfw IIIF x 8 PzKpfw IVD x 2 Opel Blitz x 6 |
AFVs: D:9 H39 x 6 H39(L) x 3 |
Guns: A:0 D:0 |
Misc Rules: | Grain, Bldgs: Wooden, 1 story |
Map Board(s): |
Overlays: | Village42 |
Errata (source)
Players wanting to play this game/Request a match:
Scenario info
Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the gps location | 2024-09-14 01:49:15 |
Hutch Modified the misc. rules | 2024-09-14 01:48:00 |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2022-04-15 18:10:54 |
hoxson1 Set the designer field | 2019-10-15 13:07:20 |
hoxson1 Modified the location | 2018-09-27 15:22:02 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(!GERM-FRENCH.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 882 |
H39 Hotchkiss (h39.jpg) | Image | hoxson1 | 990 |
(gtf02 map new.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 976 |
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