Kleckerweise ETO (id:#60819)
Along the Chémery-Bulson Road, France
1940-05-14 (27 others)
U: Chance D'une Affaire (AH:The General # 30.5)
CH 52: Gross Deutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit # 3.1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux: The Feint)
FE 89: Crossing The Meuse (Blitzkrieg Pack)
FE 90: Busted at Bulson (Blitzkrieg Pack)
O98.1: Repoussage #1 (On All Fronts # 98)
PJ7.4: Sedan Breakout (OAF Playtester's Journal # 7)
TAC32: Contre-Attaque à Connage (Tactiques # 4)
ATL 93.4: Chance D'une Affaire (ASL Digest # 3.09)
SP149: Labarthe's Charade (Schwerpunkt #13)
SP158: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Schwerpunkt #14)
48: Pak Nest (Dezign Pak 4)
FF15: Dragoons Returned (FireFights! #2)
WO02: Failure to Communicate (Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2010)
O1: Go Big or Go Home (Special Ops # 1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux II)
VV65: Les Panzers Passent La Meuse (Vae Victis # 92)
SP254: Propitious Arrival (Schwerpunkt #22)
RPT114: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Rally Point #12)
MM 43: Meuse - French Counter Attack (March Madness 2018 Players Pack)
232: Chance d'une Affaire (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
233: Failure to Communicate (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN09: The Road to Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN10: Finale: Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
GhD #3: Bouvignes Riposte (Ghost Division 1: 7th Panzer Division France 1940)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3 2022 Reprint)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3.1 2022 Reprint)
CH 52: Gross Deutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit # 3.1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux: The Feint)
FE 89: Crossing The Meuse (Blitzkrieg Pack)
FE 90: Busted at Bulson (Blitzkrieg Pack)
O98.1: Repoussage #1 (On All Fronts # 98)
PJ7.4: Sedan Breakout (OAF Playtester's Journal # 7)
TAC32: Contre-Attaque à Connage (Tactiques # 4)
ATL 93.4: Chance D'une Affaire (ASL Digest # 3.09)
SP149: Labarthe's Charade (Schwerpunkt #13)
SP158: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Schwerpunkt #14)
48: Pak Nest (Dezign Pak 4)
FF15: Dragoons Returned (FireFights! #2)
WO02: Failure to Communicate (Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 2010)
O1: Go Big or Go Home (Special Ops # 1)
GTF 6: Without Thought of Retreat (Gembloux II)
VV65: Les Panzers Passent La Meuse (Vae Victis # 92)
SP254: Propitious Arrival (Schwerpunkt #22)
RPT114: The Fond Dagot Drag-Out (Rally Point #12)
MM 43: Meuse - French Counter Attack (March Madness 2018 Players Pack)
232: Chance d'une Affaire (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
233: Failure to Communicate (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN09: The Road to Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
DN10: Finale: Onhaye (ASL 10a - Croix de Guerre)
GhD #3: Bouvignes Riposte (Ghost Division 1: 7th Panzer Division France 1940)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3 2022 Reprint)
CH 52: Grossdeutschland's Doorknockers (Critical Hit #3.1 2022 Reprint)
Designer: Gary Fortenberry
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
Responding to a German bridgehead over the river near Sedan, the French ordered two tank battalions to join two reserve infantry regiments for possible action. Unfortunately it took them all night to reach their assigned positions. The attack order was issued at 0500 the next morning, before two of the formations had arrived. Finally at 0730 the counterstroke, comprising only the 7th Tank Battalion and 213th Infantry Regiment, set out with no reconnaissance. In the meantime the 2nd Panzer Regiment was crossing the Meuse and rushing headlong to the front line in Kleckerweise (“penny packets”), one company at a time, against their own doctrine.Attacker: French (III/213ème Régiment d'Infanterie and 1/7ème Bataillon de Chars de Combat)
Defender: German (Panzerjäger-Kompanie Grossdeutschland, and Kompanie 4 und 2, Panzer-Regiment 2)
9 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:18.0 D:18.0 |
AFVs: A:8 FCM 36 x 8 |
AFVs: D:10 PzKpfw IIF x 3 PzKpfw IIIF x 5 PzKpfw IVA x 2 |
Guns: A:2 Canon AC de 25 SA-L mle 34 x 2 D:2 Mortier de 60 mle 35 x 2 3.7cm PaK 35/36 x 2 5cm leGrW 36 x 2 PzB 39 ATR x 2 |
Misc Rules: | Buildings: Stone. Rowhouses: Ground Level only |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition) | 2 |
ASL 5a - For King and Country | 10 |
ASL Action Pack # 6 A Decade of War | 1b |
ASL 4 - Partisan! | 10 |
Overlays: | OG1 | OG2 |
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Action | Date |
aokigaryou Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2025-01-29 09:17:41 |
Hutch Modified the misc. rules | 2024-10-03 10:25:19 |
Turuk Uploaded a VASL file | 2024-06-10 16:58:05 |
Larry Added a playing | 2024-05-31 03:28:56 |
Pte Parts Added a playing | 2023-11-05 07:53:01 |
File | Description | User | Views |
VASL Scenario Setup (AP-57 Kleckerweise v667.vsav) | VASL Setup | Turuk | 225 |
(french-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1134 |
(french AT.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 867 |
(AP57 Kleckerweise.png) | Map Image | hipsu | 1197 |
(AP57 Map.png) | Map Image | atomic | 502 |
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