Kelly's Heroes ETO (id:#60138)
Claremont, France
1944-09-01 (15 others)
PB CG 1: Arracourt 1944 (Internet)
PS 1: Iron Banzai (Internet)
FE 48: Meximeux Mess (Fanatic Pack 3)
CDN22: "Whiskey! Well at Least It's Canadian" (The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers)
O60.1: Recon Leader: Situation 1 - The Village (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.2: Recon Leader: Situation 2 - The City (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.3: Recon Leader: Situation 3 - Road Junction (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.4: Recon Leader: Situation 4 - Meeting Engagement (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.5: Recon Leader: Situation 5 - Mountain Pass (On All Fronts # 60)
O69.1: Meeting Engagement (On All Fronts # 69)
DB047: Ghosts and Thunderbirds (Dispatches from the Bunker #20)
RPT46: Ghosts at Meximieux (Rally Point # 5)
S49: Cooks, Clerks, and Bazookas (ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 1st Edition)
J154: Cradle to Grave (ASL Journal #10)
S49: Cooks, Clerks, and Bazookas (ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 2nd Edition)
PS 1: Iron Banzai (Internet)
FE 48: Meximeux Mess (Fanatic Pack 3)
CDN22: "Whiskey! Well at Least It's Canadian" (The Canadians In Italy 3: D-Day Dodgers)
O60.1: Recon Leader: Situation 1 - The Village (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.2: Recon Leader: Situation 2 - The City (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.3: Recon Leader: Situation 3 - Road Junction (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.4: Recon Leader: Situation 4 - Meeting Engagement (On All Fronts # 60)
O60.5: Recon Leader: Situation 5 - Mountain Pass (On All Fronts # 60)
O69.1: Meeting Engagement (On All Fronts # 69)
DB047: Ghosts and Thunderbirds (Dispatches from the Bunker #20)
RPT46: Ghosts at Meximieux (Rally Point # 5)
S49: Cooks, Clerks, and Bazookas (ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 1st Edition)
J154: Cradle to Grave (ASL Journal #10)
S49: Cooks, Clerks, and Bazookas (ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 2nd Edition)
Designer: Paul Works
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
No balance information available
Based on the events portrayed in the movie "Kelly's Heroes" (1970). Having learned of a cache of gold bars stored in the Claremont bank some 25 miles behind German lines, one platoon of Recon Company, 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division (led by platoon sergeant "Big Joe" and operational mastermind Private Kelly) decides to 'liberate' these assets before the Germans can remove them and, just as critically, before the rest of the US Army has a chance to arrive. Arranging support from a Sherman platoon from the 321st Tank Battalion (led by Sergeant "Odd Ball" ), a mortar battery, an engineer battalion (the latter additionally supported by the regimental Grave Diggers Registration Unit), the US unit makes its way through German lines to the outskirts of Claremont (being heavily attrited in the process). A recon of the village provides key intelligence on the gold shipment's escort of infantry and three Tiger tanks. Kelly and the others quickly develop an assault plan. Masking the Sherman's approach using the noise from the Tigers' engines and the ringing of the Claremont church bell, Kelly's Heroes prepare to do the impossible.Attacker: American (Big Joe's Platoon with Odd Ball's Sherman)
Defender: German (Claremont Garrison with SS Armor)
6 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:1.5 D:3.5 |
AFVs: A:1 M4A3(76)W |
AFVs: D:3 PzKpfw VIE x 3 Opel Blitz x 3 Kfz 1 |
Guns: A:0 D:0 |
Misc Rules: | D: Lax (A11.18), A: HIP (A12.3), Stealthy (A11.17) |
Map Board(s): |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
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Scenario info
Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the overview | 2024-05-14 16:03:44 |
Hutch Modified the Unit Elements | 2024-05-14 15:53:51 |
Hutch Modified the overview | 2024-05-14 15:21:09 |
Hutch Modified the misc. rules | 2024-05-14 15:19:18 |
Hutch Modified the overlays | 2024-05-14 15:14:35 |
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(us-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 963 |
(kh.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1116 |
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