Early on the morning of December 19, 1943, the Russian offensive to capture the city of Vitebsk was in its 7th day. The 519th Heavy Tank Destroyer Battalion had driven in a forced march to the front where it was used as a fire brigade. Lt. Albert Ernst, leader of the Hornisse Platoon of the 1st Company, was excited as he was taking the big tank destroyer into combat for the first time. For five days the tank destroyers played havoc on the attacking Russian tanks from ambush positions. This day the Germans knew there was an attack developing in the village of Xanino. Lt. Ernst setup his platoon in a flanking location overlooking the assault. The Germans where in perfect position for the ambush, hull down with height advantage.
Attacker: Russian (18th Guards Tank Brigade)
Defender: German (14th Infantry Division and 519th Heavy Tank Destroyer Battalion)
6 turns
Players: 2 OBA: Russian Night: No
Unit Counts:
Squads: A:15.0 D:9.0
AFVs: A:7
T-34 M43 x 4 T-34/85 x 3
AFVs: D:3
PzJg III/IV Nashorn TD x 3
Guns: A:0
50mm RM obr. 40
5cm leGrW 36
Misc Rules:
GS (E3.72), Drifts (E3.75). +1 LV last 3 turns. A: Barrage (E12.7), D: WC (E3.712), AFV: HIP
Tried this scenario again, but this time on the defense against a very experienced player in an attempt to see if there is a reliable way forward for the Russians to win. This time around the Russians made very good headway crossing the open ground getting almost all of the infantry into the woods on Board 46. This was aided greatly by well above average German DRs and well below average Russian DRs. However, despite the favorable first 3 turns, over the next 2 turns, the Russians were unable to penetrate the German defense in any meaningful way leaving no realistic path to gain and hold the required VCs. This is a fun scenario, but it is heavily imbalanced in favor of the German defenders. When played, be sure to observe the SSRs exactly as written. I also suggest using the Russian balance and consider eliminating the last 1/2 turn in order to give the Russians a chance at victory.
(D) Richard Jenulis
Maurizio Grassi
Russian win
I found a way to loose and the Germans.
(A) Craig Renier
Scott Fishbein
German win
Another attempt at playing the Russians with only moderately better results. Looking at the recent playings, it appears this scenario favors the Germans by a fair margin. I recommend using the Russian balance. That being said, it remains a fun scenario for both sides. Be sure to follow the SSRs exactly as written. The Germans may HIP the AFVs only in Concealment terrain and only 2 squad equivalents can HIP. Don't assume the designer forgot to include the usual SW and leader stacked with them. The German player does not need any more advantages than are provided in the SSRs.
(D) Scott Fischbein
Craig Renier
German win
Good scenario, but a bit tough on the Russians! We had some discussion about the SSRs and the rules around HIP: Craig had played this a few times in the eASL tournament and some people had interpreted the SSRs/rules differently, but we decided to play it by the book - so the German AFVs could only setup HIP in concealment terrain (as dictated by the rules) and the 2 HIP squad equivalents were not allowed to have any SW/SMC stacked with them (since that's not specified in the SSR). After playing through the scenario I think this is the way to go - the Russians need all the help they can get. And... Craig wasn't getting any help from his dice, while I was getting a lot from mine. I had some lucky TH roles early on and took out a few of his tanks. He managed to maneuver his remaining tanks to deal with all of mine by turn 3 or so, and then set his sites on the buildings, but it was a bit too late, once my HMG nest and scattered LMGs started whittling away his units who couldn't seem to pass a MC (or, more precisely, 1MC or 2MC checks). I also had a few surprises tucked away in the form of HS in upper level building locations ready to maintain/take control of a few key buildings in the final turns, but Craig conceded on turn four since he didn't have enough units to get the buildings needed. Good game with a fun and gracious opponent.
(A) Craig Renier
Marc Hanna
German win
On the first shot in the opening PFPh, the Russian mortar immobilized a German PzJz III/IV. However, the TH activated the German sniper which subsequently broke the German MMC manning the mortar. That was the only shot from the mortar and the trend was set for the remainder of the game. 3 Russian T34s were able to make it across the open ground to the outskirts of the village. Another MMC with leader was able to outflank the German AFVs on the hill forcing the Germans to abandon the immobilized AFV and move the Good Order AFV. However, the Russian infantry suffered greatly under the German small arms fire. When finally in a position to assault the village, two more Russian AFVs were wrecked and there were too few Russian squads remaining to gain any more than a couple stone buildings.