Maps required | y | 1 | 3 | 10 | 11 | 14 | 17 | 18 | 20 | 21 | 23 | 24 | 36 | 37 | 40 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 49 | 50 |
| Overlays | B4 | G5 | NONE | O2 | OG1 | OW1 | RR1 | Wd5 | X19 | X6 |
| Misc Rules | Cold Crocodiles [Only bridge 23P7 exists, no valley on Bd 24. A: FTV2] | Acts of Defiance [HtH (J2.31), NQ (A20.3), A: Hitler Youth 2-3-7 Stealthy (A11.7), Fanatic, Sewer (B8)] | Jungle Fighters [A: Elite (C8.2) D: No British units are Stealthy (A11.17)] | Bad Luck [Mist, No voluntary Abandonment of AFVs (exc: SPW 251/sMG),A: American AFV are Elite.] | Rocket's Red Glare [No vehicle of either side may setup inside a building.] | Kicked Autz [All Buildings are Rubbled, Orchards are Shellholes, H-t-H. D: Hero and 2 HS get -2 DRM on PF checks] | Moldavian Massacre [Hexes west of River not in play. All melees are resolved at Game end. A: may initiate H-t-H] | Used and Abused [PTO, DJ (Exc: roads exist in Dense Jungle). Sunken Rds are Gullies. Runaway unpaved. ] | Stalin's Shadow [D: T-26 M33 is radio equipped] | Why at Erp [A: Unit possessing FT is Fanatic] | Les Chemins de Rome [Treat Woods as Orchards, Stone buildings, bldg hexsides like Row Houses. CI in effect,A: AS] | Borodino Train Station [The RR and all buildings are Ground Level only] | The Bozsoki Relay [D: M4/76(a)s setup BU in road hexes] | Winter Storm [GS, Ov1. D: FB2] | Big, Bad, Gun [D: Gun may start emplaced in rd intersection] |
| Counter Sets | American | American/Partisan | British | British / Australian | German | German (SS) | Hungarian | Italian | Japanese | Romanian | RSI Italian | Russian |